Sunday, April 4, 2010


In the world of choir, band, and orchestra in our state, there's this competition that everybody does. It's not so much a competition between the schools, but with each ensemble's ability to get the best rating possible. There are two parts, the concert component where an ensemble performs prepared pieces on stage, and the sight-reading component, where the ensemble reads a new piece they've never seen before, all in front of a panel of judges. It's like the "super bowl" of choir, band or orchestra.

I have been to UIL before many times. I did band UIL for 6 years in a row, and choir UIL 3 times. But always as a performer.

Until this year.

It was my first time on the other side of the podium. Let me just say that it's a completely different ball game. It's not that my career was on the line, just my reputation. I had to trust 16 young performers, 13 of whom were either 6th graders, or not in my choir class, to make all the work we had done all year count for something. And yes, my reputation as a director was riding on it.

They came through for me in a big way. My tiny choir got 2's for their ratings, which is "EXCELLENT", and much better than most of the directors around here were expecting.

At my giant choir school, the three top groups all got straight 1's, which is "SUPERIOR", and the other choir got a 2 on stage, and 1 in sight-reading. 1 is the best.

You know what's funny... I don't remember what our ratings were all those years ago, the 9 times I went to UIL for band or choir. I hope the kids in my choir don't remember anything but making their director very, very proud. That's what counts!

Big Girl

In the 10 days after Big Girl lost the first front tooth, she lost 2 more teeth: the other front tooth and the other bottom one that was loose (not the one in the middle). And the Saturday after that, she got glasses! I hardly recognize this kid. She's transforming into a "big kid" right before my eyes. The next thing I know, she'll be interested in boys and asking for the car keys... I'm so not ready for that.