Monday, March 30, 2009

She did it!!!

This morning Little Girl pooped in the potty!!!

Afterward, she and I prayed together, thanking God for helping her to poop in the potty.

I'm not saying she's done with pooping her pants, but I'm very hopeful this time. I think she's getting it.

Potty Progress

Last week's potty chart was mostly a success. The alarm clock system works for me. There's no way I'd remember to stay on top of it otherwise. I'm still thanking and praising God for that idea. Maybe now we can actually get this kid completely trained.

She had one poop accident that didn't make the chart. She went with my parents Friday night and I forgot to send the chart with them. Little Girl pooped in the tub. My mom made her clean it up. I heard that it took a whole hour for that to happen. I'm definitely going to add that to the mix here too. Why gross myself out? Why not gross her out? It's her poop anyway.

As promised, here's the chart from last week:
More important than all the potty issues in the world is Little Girl's soul. Last week, and this weekend, I've noticed that having a plan, a system, in place that keeps most of the focus positive has helped me keep her little heart in mind as I go about the task of teaching her. My language with her has been sprinkled with more about what God thinks about whatever is going on than just how she should behave.

It's helped me in how I deal with both girls. Sunday morning I was getting dressed for church upstairs, and I heard screaming from downstairs. Instead of issuing the "cease and desist orders" from a distance, I summoned them both upstairs. I told them both, individually, that ladies don't scream like that and they are to be little ladies, and to go think about it in their rooms. Then I got the real story in one on one interviews, made the offender apologize and ask forgiveness, and we went on with the morning. I didn't stress, I didn't get emotional, and I didn't even have to raise my voice. I managed to behave like a lady through that! Imagine! And to top it off, we were on time to church for the second week in a row.

Good things are happening around here. I think God is working in my little family, and I'm very thankful.

I have another Pearl Jam song in my head, and I don't even know why. It's "Come Back" from their self-titled album. I haven't heard that song in weeks. Funny how the brain works...

Friday, March 27, 2009

Random Friday Thoughts

I'm taking a breather in the middle of a very busy day of cleaning and preparing my home for Diva Night tonight. Diva Nights are basically Girls' Nights Out for our Sunday school class. Tonight is a slumber party here at my house. It's going to be lots of fun!! Hubby and girls are going to spend the night at my parents' house to get out of the way for the ladies only fun!

Yesterday Little Girl did poop her pants. It wasn't a surprise. Poor girl, she did it while we were at the school picking Big Girl up after her piano lesson. She had that look on her face that let me know exactly what was happening right that moment (sorry if that's too graphic for you). That happened right around 4:00, which is one of our alarm clock times. So she got a sad face on that part of the chart, and also one for poop being in the pants and not the potty. (After the week is over, I'll scan the chart so you can see it better. The "print screen" I did to show it the first time really didn't come out clearly at all.)

I have made a couple changes to the chart. I added more times of the day for panty checks, and also Saturday and Sunday. I'll start the new chart next week. The first one I made was in use before I had much time to think it through.

A couple days ago I saw the Pearl Jam video for "Jeremy" on VH1 Classic because they're rereleasing Ten. Consequently that song has been in my head ever since. I think Eddie Vetter looks maniacal in that video. It's appropriate for him to look derranged in that video, but whenever I think of him, in my mind's eye I always see that crazy look in his eyes (at about minute 3:45 in the video I linked).

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

So Far, So Good

After nearly two complete days of the new strategy for potty-training, Little Girl has earned nothing but smiley faces. This is very good news. She hasn't pooped yet, so I don't think we're there yet, but still, she seems motivated to do the right things, even though she's still wearing pull-ups.

On a completely different note, Hubby and I closed on the refinance of our mortgage today. We got a fantastic rate, fixed for the next 30 years. Our payments are going down about $150/month, and we're going to throw that money on the principal, and pay off our house faster, saving thousands in interest.

Today has been a great day. Those two things have me very encouraged.

In my head, Weird Al's, "I'll Sue Ya," from Straight Outta Lynwood. That's the CD currently playing in my car. Big Girl loves it. (I don't let her listen to all the songs. The polka medley, "Polkarama," which begins with the "Chicken Dance" also includes "Don't Cha" and "Candy Shop." Both of those songs are way too vulgar, even when veiled by polka, to let her listen to them.)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

God's Direct Intervention Into My Parenting Problem - Poopy Pants

Anybody who has read my blog knows that I've been having a high degree of difficulty with potty training my younger daughter. She's just turned 4 and still poops her pants. She can do pretty well with #1, but that's not enough for me to feel comfortable going out or leaving her with childcare workers at church wearing panties.

These past couple weeks at church the lessons in Sunday school (I'll always call it that no matter what they call it) and the sermons have been about battles. In SS, we're studying Isaiah, and Judah had armies coming against them quite literally. God's message to them was for them to rely on Him and not the surrounding countries and their armies. The sermon a couple weeks ago was about the armor of God from the passage in Ephesians 6. The spiritual forces are coming against us all the time and we have to be prepared for battle. The question coming up in my mind for these lessons has been, "What is my battle?" The answer for two weeks in a row has been POOPY PANTS.

This is definitely a battle I have tried to fight. I have called in the reserves on every side, tried to get advice from every corner. I have tried so many techniques, and failed with every single one for the last 8 months. Every bit of my effort seems to have been completely in vain. I can't do this. There is a disconnect somewhere.

I am somewhat of a free-spirit. I don't like being confined. My problem with most methods of potty training that require regular checks and trips to the bathroom until the little one starts to get it is that I lose interest in watching the clock, and I lapse into not paying attention to it. Then before I realize it, I have poopy pants on my hands again (not literally, at least not ALL the time). Failure, AGAIN.

So this past Sunday, during the worship service, God convicted me that I need to be making this a matter of prayer. He even had me seek out another mom to pray with me right then. He also pressed on me that I need to be praying with my daughter, asking God to help her poop in the potty. There's a huge part of me that thinks this is so silly, to be praying (especially with someone else) about poop in the potty. But that's what He told me to do, so I will do it. Really, I didn't expect it to make all that much of a difference (Oh ME of little faith!).

Last night, out of obedience (not so much faith), I was praying about this issue before bed. Then I got an answer: alarm clocks. I have extra alarm clocks around the house, like the one by my computer (that little clock in the corner of the screen is too small for me to see all the time), and the one that I got for nursing in the middle of the night when I had my first daughter, and the Hello Kitty clock in my daughter's room... I have plenty that are not used for waking people up first thing in the morning. I can set those to go off at predetermined intervals throughout the day for "panty checks", and then I don't have to remember and be intrinsically motivated by the system. I was also prompted to develop a chart for my daughter to track her own progress. I made it this morning. I can use stickers, but so far, I'm just using happy faces when she succeeds and I will use sad faces when she doesn't (hasn't happened yet- we just started this an hour ago).

Why am I sharing this? I don't know... I hope it is an encouragement to someone who is going through a problem, a frustrating battle of whatever sort, that God is interested and He will help. He knows all the details and what will actually work.

This is a huge step of faith for me. I'm spilling the beans before the evidence is in.

One thing is certain. When she finally gets the hang of it, when success comes (as it HAS to!!), God gets all the glory.

The song in my head today is, "I Got A Woman," by John Mayer Trio. Actually, what's in my head is the Weird Al polka version in the medley on Straight Outta Lynwood. I have a very warped mind... you don't wanna go in there... Now that I think about it, "I Gotta Woman" isn't the song that's in the Weird Al medley, but it's similar. They both say, "she takes my money..." which is why my brain is jumping back and forth. Now I need to pray about regaining my sanity.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Little Girl's Birthday & Spring Break

It's Spring Break here now, so I've been a lazy bum, not doing my usual things like taking Big Girl to school, or keeping up with e-mail, facebook, or my blog. Sorry.

This past Saturday was Little Girl's birthday party. It was a flower themed party. We had a pinata, bubble machine, cake, "pin the petals on the flower" game (very much like the "pin the bow on Hello Kitty" we had for Big Girl's birthday party in October), and presents. It was an hour and a half of 3 four-year-olds, 2 three-year-olds, a two-year-old, a one-year-old, a six-year-old and a seven-year-old (10 kids altogether) running around and having fun.

Monday was Little Girl's actual birthday. The girls and I went to Hubby's work and picked him up for lunch. We went to a local hamburger joint with a play-scape outside and an ice cream shop next door. It was perfect. It was the first sunny day we'd had in 5 days, and also the first day of Spring Break. The girls had a great time, and it was nice to sit in the sunshine with Hubby during the middle of the day watching the girls play. After lunch we took Hubby back to work and stopped in to say hi to the folks in the office. (Hubby has worked with this company since before Big Girl was a year old. It's nice for them to get to see the girls growing up.)

Monday afternoon the girls played outside. Little Girl got a dog mask for her birthday, and she wore it for a LONG time that day. I got Big Girl a bunny mask from the same store so they could both have one. It was so funny watching them play with a soccer ball wearing those masks.

Later in the week, Big Girl asked me to make her hair curly. The timing of her request couldn't have been better. She asked after bath-time, and just before bed. In my mind, that's a call for sponge rollers! Before they went to bed, I put the rollers in both girls' hair. Big Girl's hair takes curl like Shirley Temple. For Little Girl, it's not so easy. Her hair is very straight naturally. It didn't even curl when she was a baby. By lunch time, Little Girl's hair just looked messy. Big Girl's curls were still quite pretty, even though they had loosened considerably. This is the kind of thing Spring Break is for, in my opinion. Playing with hair, and sleeping in!

Another highlight of our Spring Break so far (it's only Thursday, after all), has been Big Girl losing her first tooth. She lost it. Really. We can't find it. It wouldn't surprise me if she swallowed it. If that's the case, then I'll just hold out for saving the second tooth she loses. This first tooth that's been lost already has its permanent counterpart in her mouth. It looks like it is moving forward to take the place where the baby tooth was. All this is very good news for us. Hubby and I were afraid the dentist would have to help her out to get this going the way it should.

The tooth fairy came last night. Big Girl is still talking about it. I think the tooth fairy was quite generous to bring a gift even though there was no tooth for her to take.

Hope you all are having a great Spring Break! I know I'm going to enjoy my last day of sleeping in tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Poop Progress?

This past weekend was a big one, poop-wise, for Little Girl. Friday night she actually pooped in the potty. There was much celebration over this, of course. It's been a few months since she'd had that kind of success. Unfortunately she followed that up by pooping in her pants on Saturday morning.

Saturday evening was a similar tale. She pooped in the potty before bath time. Yahoo!! Subsequently, she pooped IN the bathtub. Apparently she wasn't finished when she got off the potty.

Sunday morning she woke up with the nasty stuff in her pull-up. Given her recent failures, I'm fed up with letting her wear panties (and having to clean them), so it's pull-ups again until there's a demonstration of success. Anyway, much later on Sunday, she pooped in the potty, and it was substantial.

Since then, she has not had any accidents of either variety, and her pull-ups have remained clean and dry.

I'm somewhat hesitant to think that we've really turned a corner. I don't want my hopes dashed again. I do want her to be there. We'll see...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Renewed my Liscense

I was looking back on the blog post titles for the month of March, and I must say, I'm tired of all the whining going on here!!

In the midst of all the hubbub this month about my tooth, I managed to renew my teaching certificate. That may not be a big deal to anyone else, but it feels like something to me.

I had let my certificate lapse back when I had a 3 year old child who had recently had a traumatic accident and reconstructive surgery on her finger and was in the middle of being diagnosed with autism and a 6-8 month old baby. At that time I wasn't teaching, and I never expect to teach ever again, and I had so very much going on that the dumb RENEWABLE certificate was the farthest thing from my mind.

It STILL burns me up that I was in the very first class of teachers in this state with the stinking renewable certificates. If I had graduated a single semester sooner, I'd have a lifetime certificate, and it wouldn't be an issue ever. I graduated with a Music Ed degree in 3.5 years as it was. I don't think I COULD have graduated any sooner.

About a month ago I looked into what it would take to get my papers up to speed, should a perfect job come my way, and the process is not too painful. On March 4th I took the steps (filled out the online form and paid $40 via credit card), and I am several bureaucratic steps away from being a certified teacher again.

My Little Girl is enrolled in a Pre-K program for 2009-2010. She's probably going to have the same teacher Big Girl had. I loved that teacher so much I cried the last day of school, when Big Girl finished Pre-K, saying good-bye to her.

That changes things quite a bit for the stay-at-home mom with both kids out of the house for a good part of the day, every day. If a part-time job comes open, I could take it.

And now I'm ready. And I wonder what's gonna happen. I'm not worried about it, I just wonder...


I'm doing pretty good with the tooth. It doesn't feel normal yet. It still hurts a little, but I haven't taken any pain medication in 36+ hours, and I haven't felt faint at all since Monday.

Now I have no excuses to avoid doing the laundry.


The alternative to doing the laundry now is doing laundry over Spring Break... I think I'll do it now.

There's not much on the calendar this week, except for Little Girl's birthday party on Saturday. After the last few weeks, that feels like nothing!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

End the Suspense

I never actually fainted yesterday. I just felt like I might for about 2 hours.

Today I'm doing much better, but then I was better on Sunday too. So is it for real this time? I don't know. I'd like to know.

I haven't taken any pain medication today, just in case that's what's making me feel sick. The pain has been bearable, which I'd have to say is progress.

I've done my best to stay on top of eating today, which I know helps.

Maroon 5, "Not Coming Home," is in my head.

Monday, March 9, 2009

I'm a fainter

Have I shared that about myself with my blog readers yet?

Well, I am.

Saturday I almost did.

Today I feel like I might. Right now, actually.

This is not good.

I think I forgot to eat.


Yeah, this is another post about my dumb tooth. Sorry, but that's my life.


I'm so sick of being in pain.

When I take pain medication (ibuprofen during the day, and stronger stuff at night), I can tolerate it. And I even start to think, "I'm getting better. This isn't so bad." And then a few hours later, if I don't take more medication, I'm feeling it again.

That's how I woke up this morning. OUCH!!

A dentist friend on facebook (LOVE FACEBOOK!!!) let me know that it's common for the bone under the root tip to be touched during a root canal. Based on what he told me about the symptoms that would produce, I'm thinking that's what happened. He also told me that if that tooth gets stimulated (touched or whatever) that it prolongs the sensitivity. So having my crown done on Friday, after having the root canal on Tuesday, was probably not the best move for "avoidance of stimulation."

This is my not amused face. :|

And this is my "I'm in pain" face. :(

I've been listening to Maroon 5 on my iPod over the weekend. We had a live show of theirs recorded on the DVR. It was really good. They're a VERY tight band. They do interesting things musically too. I'm a fan.

Friday, March 6, 2009

MORE Dental Work

Are you kidding me???

I'm so sick of my mouth being prodded and poked. I hate all that stuff in my mouth.

I hate that I can't feel the left side of my face right now. Granted, I'd rather this than feel all the drilling and what-not that's been done to me today. I just hate it all.

Today they gassed me. I think that stuff was invented just for me. I really liked the gas. Without the gas, I was nearly hyperventilating when they were doing stuff to me. My whole body was tense. With the gas, I could feel myself relax all over. I could breathe normally.

I can understand the appeal of hard drugs. I really liked that floaty feeling. Probably a little too much. It's a good thing I'm not a drinker.

Led Zeppelin was on my iPod when the gas kicked in. I can see how those two things REALLY go together!

I now have a temporary crown over the tooth that got the root canal. Getting the permanent one shouldn't be any big deal. Still, having that next appointment on my calendar fills me with dread.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

First Things First

Isn't that really the hardest thing in life? Prioritizing priorities? Ugh... I just think I get it going better and then I learn on the back end that I was missing something. Something more important than the other stuff I hadn't missed... When can I get off this ride? Where is the line for "getting it all together"? That's where I want to be...

I don't really want to tell the whole, very personal story. It's enough that you know that there are chinks in my armor. I don't have it all together, and I don't know that I ever will. I do see improvement in some areas in my life, but unfortunately they aren't worth much if it's at the expense of the most important thing(s).

"My Favorite Things" is the song in my head today.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Root Canal

Yesterday was my appointment with the endodontist. I was to be evaluated and get the work done all on the same day. It seemed like that would be the easiest- to only have to make arrangements for Little Girl once, and so I couldn't chicken out.

Knowing my history of anxiety related to dentistry, my general dentist prescribed me some Xanex to take before I went in, so that I wouldn't freak out right off the bat. That anxiety can interfere with the anesthetic's effectiveness, and it also makes it a horrible experience for me. This way, it was cut off at the pass.

Unfortunately, I didn't get that prescription filled when I filled the prescriptions for the antibiotic and the pain-killer the dentist gave me.

Something else I should note before I go on is that I hadn't been in pain for a week. I took my antibiotic for about 4 days. I also took the mega-strong pain-killers for 2 or 3 days, and then I decided to try not taking them, and just taking ibuprofen, and then I didn't even take that after a day or so. So I've been generally not in pain for a week prior to this endodontist appointment. I was, however, aware of my tooth in a way that I wasn't aware of the others. The night before seeing the endodontist, I did a mental "roll call" off my teeth to see if I could make my brain feel each tooth. I can, by the way. But that one on the lower left still wasn't the same as the others.

So here it was, yesterday morning, and I was hoping that I wouldn't need the Xanex. I was really doing a big job of self-talk, telling myself that I didn't need to take anything, and I'd be fine. By 7:00 AM, I had changed my mind. I still had time to get the Rx filled and take the medicine in time for my 10:00 AM appointment. I went to the pharmacy around the corner from my house before I fed Big Girl her breakfast. I was home by 7:06.

The morning progressed otherwise like usual. I walked Big Girl to school, I walked back home. I got Little Girl dressed.

The biggest difference of the day was that Hubby was staying home to take care of Little Girl while I had my appointment. Since I hadn't been in pain, I had nearly forgotten all about the endodontist appointment entirely, and I hadn't made arrangements with a friend to take care of Little Girl. Hubby's job is flexible enough sometimes that he can do this sort of thing in a pinch.

I got myself ready, and took the Xanex at 9:30, and went to my appointment.

As I was sitting in the waiting room, filling out paperwork, I could tell the Xanex was starting to kick in. I was very mellow, which is unlike me (anyone who knows me can verify!). I was still aware of my surroundings, I was able to sign consent forms and such, I just moved slower than normal.

They called me back to the chair. I went. It was super cold in that room back there, and they had a blanket for me to put over myself.

After the endodontist did some "tests" (he whacked on my tooth until it hurt, and he had me chew on a plastic thingy until it hurt, stuff like that), then he verified that I needed the root canal. Once they didn't need to talk to me anymore, I put my iPod in and turned it up.

I don't remember a whole lot else. I know they put a big rubber thing in my mouth on the right side to hold my mouth open. I also remember thatI was still cold, so they put another blanket on me. I remember some shots, and not liking that at all. And then I remember nothing else. I fell asleep. It was great.

When I woke up, Hubby was there with Little Girl to take me home. They had called him, knowing I wouldn't be able to drive after being on the Xanex. So we left my car there until later when my mom took Hubby to go get it. (She works at the school here in our neighborhood, and the endodontist's office isn't very far out of her way going home.) It all worked out.

I went home around 12:30 I'm told (I don't remember), went upstairs (I do remember this part) and went straight to bed. I left my purse on the landing of the stairs. I didn't even stop to put it where I usually put it in the kitchen. I slept until after 4:00. I'm so glad it was Hubby staying with me and not a friend. There's no way I could have done that with a friend. I don't remember anything from the time I went upstairs to hearing the sound of Big Girl's voice in the house and thinking how odd it was that she was home. I didn't realize it had been over 3 hours.

So the moral of the story is this: if you take a Xanex, allow for it to knock you out for the rest of the day.

I don't even remember what songs I listened to in the chair...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Obedience/Blessing Principle

About a year ago, or maybe more, a guy came to preach at our church from somewhere (real specific, huh), and he said, "Obedience brings blessing, disobedience brings conflict." He had hand motions to go along with it. He'd hug his arms across his chest for "blessing" and he'd rub his rear. He used that with his kids, and the meaning is obvious. The principle holds true for everyone, child and grown-up alike.

Our Sunday school class (that's what I'll call it til I die, no matter what other fancy words the church tries to use) just began a study of Isaiah today. The first chapter of Isaiah is pretty bleak. Isaiah is going on about how horrible the people have behaved toward God and that really bad things are going to happen because God isn't going to put up with it anymore. He does give them a little glimmer of hope, that the bad things don't have to happen if the people straighten up. After reading the chapter our class had a discussion.

Time out for some kudos for our teacher. He sees his role as facilitating discussion, and he does his best to ask questions to illicit responses from everyone. Sometimes his job is harder than others, like today when we began our discussion of Isaiah. He does a great job. I have huge respect for him.

In the discussion, we were talking about the consequences of sin, and if there really are consequences in the short term for our sin. That got me to thinking about the blessing principle. God is waiting, wanting to bless His children. When we obey He pours out those blessings. When we disobey, I'm talking in the little things, the secret things, God cannot pour out those blessings because He cannot endorse our disobedience. Just like He can't give us the desires of our hearts when we are not delighting in Him.

And really, that's the point of the most important obedience. Delighting in Him. If we're doing that, the things that trip us up, that we know are sinful, are less attractive. They are considerably less appealing than the desires of our hearts, which we know we really want. Those little things, like watching a TV show I know is not good for me, or giving in to anger and snapping at my kids, are not worth forfeiting the blessings of God and the desires of my heart. Those kids ARE the desires of my heart. I prayed and prayed for them before I had them. Seeing them grow up to honor God with their lives is another HUGE desire of my heart! My behavior matters, and has lasting consequences.

Those are things I'm thinking about today. I hope that there's something here you can take away that blesses you. I hope you are spurred on to obedience.

Today the song in my head is "Love Lifted Me," the song with which we closed out this morning's service. It's in 6/8 time signature, and it just makes me smile. I've learned that I'm a sucker for 6/8. There's not a good representation of our church's version of that song available on YouTube. We don't do it the stiff way the good old Baptists did it 50 years ago. (Not that there's anything wrong with stiffness or good old Baptists- that sort of thing has its place, but it's just not in our church! Anyone who knows my church can back me on this!)