Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Blah Humbug

I know I shouldn't blog when I'm down on myself, but if I don't do this now, it's never going to happen. Why am I down on myself? I didn't do Christmas cards this year. I did send an e-card to everyone in my address book, but no family picture, no newsletter. The last few years I have created a newspaper as our newsletter. Last year I didn't get it out on time, as it was my first year working as a choir director, and there were Christmas concerts and so much busyness, I didn't have myself organized well enough to do it all. This year I didn't even set such expectations on myself. I did have one week this year with a concert to attend or direct 4 of 5 weeknights. By the end of it I was a wreck. So I'm a Christmas failure.

Things have been piling up to the extent that I'm dropping some balls for my kids. Little Girl was supposed to be star student that same week as all my concerts. I had no idea until we got an email from the teacher that Monday, when we should have already sent in a poster. I'm a mommy failure. Thankfully the teacher tacked us on at the end of the year, and we'll get some sort of warning ahead of time. She's compensating for my shortcoming...

I think I've blogged before about how I don't do well when I'm not productive. The last couple of days, the first two of Christmas break, have been very relaxing, but not very productive, and I'm starting to get down on myself for that. You'd think I'd enjoy it, but it doesn't work that way. I did take my girls to the park yesterday to ride their bikes on the blacktop. It's a much easier place to ride than up and down the sidewalk. There's enough of a slope to our street that going one way is significantly easier than the other, and they don't want to come back up. Plus, the blacktop is removed from the street and cars, and is much safer, so long as there aren't any big teenage guys wanting to play basketball there. Besides the bike-riding adventure, I've gotten a load of laundry done. Just one. There are so many more waiting for my attention.