Monday, March 26, 2012

My Nephew

I have a brand new nephew! My brother and his wife are the proud parents of a beautiful baby boy! I got to meet him over the weekend. He and I got along famously! His mother would nurse him, and then pass him to me, and I'd get him to burp and keep him awake for a few minutes before wrapping him up and getting him to fall asleep. It was so fun! I just love tiny babies so much!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Spring Break

Here it is, the very last day that feels like Spring Break. (In my opinion, Sunday doesn't count, because Sunday feels like Sunday, and not Spring Break, even though school doesn't start again until Monday.) This is also St. Patrick's Day.

Yesterday, my Little Girl and I went out to celebrate her birthday. We started the day with manicures & pedicures at a local nail salon, then had lunch out, saw "The Lorax" in 3D, and then went shopping for a new outfit for her. (She got to pick the outfit, so I could be sure to have at least one thing I could count on not fighting her to wear on a Sunday morning.) We were out from 10 AM to 3 PM. She's seven years old now, growing up fast.

Her birthday is always hard for parties. Being that it's over Spring Break every year, we can't have a party on the weekend before or after because that's a part of Spring Break, and people are gone. We usually do something, so memories are made, and of course we make a huge fuss over her, so she feels special. Last year all four of us went to pick out Daisy, our dog, on her birthday and went to Sea World the next day. This year it was a real girl's day out for just the two of us. It was her first professional mani/pedi, her first 3D movie, and her first time to go shopping for clothes where she had all that freedom to make choices. It was an expensive day with a kid, but we didn't throw a party, so it all works out.

Other than yesterday, Little Girl's big day, I was basically useless for the whole week. I didn't get out of the house at all for three days (not consecutively, thank God). I realize any time I have more than a day or two off that I really need to work. At times I feel like work takes me away from my family too much, but then days like I've had this week remind me how good it is to get out of the house with a purpose. As much fun as it would be at first to have a life of days like yesterday, I would quickly grow tired of going out and spending money like that, not to mention that I'd run out of money! I need to be useful. I'm not all that good at making myself useful on my own.

I needed the rest this week, for sure. Glad to have had it. Now back to work on Monday!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Weight Loss

One of the big things going on in my life for the last 4 and a half months (since October 19, 2011 to be exact) is Lose It! I have officially lost just over 15 lbs by tracking what I eat. It's the first time in my life that I have really dieted, and I've had success! I am not to my goal yet, but I have shrunk by 2 or 3 pant sizes, depending on the brand. My face is thinner and even acquaintances are noticing (and commenting) that I look like I've lost weight.

I think that part of why this is working for me is that I can still eat anything I want. I just have to log it. If I were to put myself on a no-whatever diet, I think I'd be obsessing about eating whatever was off limits. I would cheat, blow it, and then quit. I don't want to lose heart like that.

Back when I was 15 lbs heavier, I could eat about 1650 per day (200 more calories than I can now), and still lose a pound a week. Now that I'm only allowed 1446 per day, it's getting harder. Especially when they have a hamburger cook-out for the staff at work, or when it's birthday cake time. Yesterday was a family reunion with all kids of very good food, and I ate way too much of it. I went nearly 900 calories over my budget! Today I'm very aware that I can't go over, and I'm hungry. I only have 327 calories left for the day, and I want to eat some more cupcakes, and some crackers... but I know I can't. If I hadn't just blown it yesterday, I'd probably go for about 500 calories more for today, and be over by a little.

I know that after I am done baring my soul here, I'll go get some soup, and eat that for 160 calories in the entire can. I know I can afford that. Blogging increases my accountability.

So hungry....