Thursday, September 17, 2009

Coming Together

This is the first week that I am considering "normal". I have started a choir club at the school where I teach in the afternoon so that I can boost my numbers for performances and contests. We're meeting twice a week. Those are my late days. I now have a feel for how my crazy schedule works, and when I can expect to pick up the kids and get home each day.

For the first meeting of the choir club, I had some students who showed up just because they knew I'd give them candy. This time, I had a much better group of kids. The kids who are not in choir class, but ARE in choir club, are really great kids. Today's choir club meeting was so fun. It's a tiny little group, but they are focused, and kind, and we had such a great rehearsal today. I was able to teach them so much in a short time. It does help that half of the kids in the club are also in class, but still, there are several who really don't know anything about sinigng in a choir, and they're working hard to catch on. If things keep going down the road like today, the choir club will be a very satisfying experience for the students and for me.

At my other school, where I teach 85 6th graders, things are going very well... I can't wait until the rehearsals where all three periods get together and sing as one giant choir. I think they'll be blown away by the massive sound. So far all three classes know two of the three songs they'll be singing for the concert in a month. I need to get that last song out to them... note to self...

All in all, I think things are coming together...

The girls are both doing well with a working mom. I expected for Little Girl to run into some problems, just because she's only been with me since she was born. She seems to be doing very well. She likes to go to school, and she's doing well with the babysitter. We've run into our first hiccup with that plan this week, and it's not even been that big a deal. Our babysitter's daughter has been sick, so I went between my two schools and picked Little Girl up and brought her to work with me for the afternoon. Looks like I'll have to do that tomorrow too. At least tomorrow will be an early day for me, and I can leave work before 3:00. Anyway, Little Girl did great, and she was kind of an attraction for my students. They all "AWWWW"ed at her when they peeked in the window of my office at her. She was just sitting there watching DVD's on my laptop while I taught class, and then ran the choir club after school. It was quite nice to see Little Girl for so much of the day today. I really have missed her lately.

Big Girl is loving her after school care. She's going to the YMCA after school program that meets at her school. She cries when I pick her up sometimes. She just wants to play. I'm taking that as a good sign. She's making friends there and in her class. I just love hearing her talk about friends and playing "school" with them. To think of where she is in light of where she was four years ago, not playing with peers at all... I'm so thankful to God for getting her diagnosis and also the special ed intervention when she was so young. She's almost 7 years old now. Most people would never know there is anything different about her at all. She's so amazing... I could go on forever...

I am blessed. God is good, He is SO good to me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe your big girl is almost 7!! Wow.
Glad that things are going well for you and the girls with the new schedule.