Sunday, June 27, 2010

Good News!

As we drove into the neighborhood today after being on vacation, we stopped by the mailbox to pick up three days of mail. On the short drive down our street, I saw a letter addressed to me from the church where I grew up, my parents still attend, and the girls went to Vacation Bible School just over a week ago.

I thought it was just some form letter they sent out to all the families of the kids to follow up after VBS. I was only partly right. It was a form letter, but I don't think they send this one to everyone.

The second paragraph started out "this is to let you know that your child made a decision for Christ..."

I showed to Hubby, who was driving. "Interesting..."

After we got home and unloaded the car, I was so tired I went upstairs and took a nap. While I was sleeping, Hubby talked with Big Girl. After I got up, we all talked again.

We knew that Big Girl understood the whole thing about Jesus dying on the cross and all that for a while now, but we had never really put any pressure on her to make a decision. I'm glad we didn't. We are both certain that she has come to this on her own. There may be a day down the road where she questions her childish understanding, and has to nail it down again, but that's a faith growing experience too. It won't mean that this isn't real right now. She has child-like faith, and that's all Jesus says she needs. She just didn't know she was supposed to tell us about it.

That is so like her.

I praise God that my baby is now a sister in Christ.

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