Sunday, March 11, 2012

Weight Loss

One of the big things going on in my life for the last 4 and a half months (since October 19, 2011 to be exact) is Lose It! I have officially lost just over 15 lbs by tracking what I eat. It's the first time in my life that I have really dieted, and I've had success! I am not to my goal yet, but I have shrunk by 2 or 3 pant sizes, depending on the brand. My face is thinner and even acquaintances are noticing (and commenting) that I look like I've lost weight.

I think that part of why this is working for me is that I can still eat anything I want. I just have to log it. If I were to put myself on a no-whatever diet, I think I'd be obsessing about eating whatever was off limits. I would cheat, blow it, and then quit. I don't want to lose heart like that.

Back when I was 15 lbs heavier, I could eat about 1650 per day (200 more calories than I can now), and still lose a pound a week. Now that I'm only allowed 1446 per day, it's getting harder. Especially when they have a hamburger cook-out for the staff at work, or when it's birthday cake time. Yesterday was a family reunion with all kids of very good food, and I ate way too much of it. I went nearly 900 calories over my budget! Today I'm very aware that I can't go over, and I'm hungry. I only have 327 calories left for the day, and I want to eat some more cupcakes, and some crackers... but I know I can't. If I hadn't just blown it yesterday, I'd probably go for about 500 calories more for today, and be over by a little.

I know that after I am done baring my soul here, I'll go get some soup, and eat that for 160 calories in the entire can. I know I can afford that. Blogging increases my accountability.

So hungry....

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