Thursday, January 16, 2014

I'm Still Here

Wow... Over a year since my last post...

Well, that school year that was about to start the last time I posted anything was the worst one I've ever experienced which is why I didn't post much. There's nothing smart about posting job woes online, in the public sphere where ANYONE, including a boss, could see it.

So I feel like all there is to say is that it was horrible, I resigned mid-March, but I finished the year. For those that knew what was going on, they could agree that it was a feat, for sure.

Let's fast-forward the story to the present. The wonderful, sweet, providential present...

My career has taken a detour from where I thought it was going. I had been teaching middle school choir for several years, loving choir, loving middle school. So when I resigned my middle school job, I set out looking for another secondary choir position. Strangely, the only interviews I was called for were three high school jobs and one elementary music job. No middle schools.

Anyway, the summer dragged on and I didn't have a job. It was quite stressful.

As if that wasn't enough, In April, we had decided to move. Not just move, build a house. We signed papers for building a new house on May 4th. This move was/is a big move up. Nicer neighborhood, nicer house, hopefully nicer neighbors who don't let their dogs bark all night long driving my husband crazy. My income previously had not been essential to our family making ends meet, but soon it would be. No pressure. I needed a job.

The housing market in our area was red hot last May, and our house sold before we were even formally listed on the market. We sold our house and had not yet broken ground on the next house, and were in need of interim housing. We ended up moving in June to a 3rd floor apartment. The apartment life was quite peaceful compared to the stress of the aforementioned neighbor and dogs. The worst part was that we had to walk Daisy down three flights every time she needed to do her business. At least that was a task we could happily assign to the kids. The summer was spent anxiously waiting for my phone to ring while the kids swam at the apartment pool.

The job I now have is unbelievably good. Good for my family, good for my sanity, and good for my life.

When you have a boss like I had last year who tells you that everything is your fault, it disintegrates your sense of truth. Prior to that job, I had encouraging bosses who brought out the best in me, motivated me to give my all. By the end of last year, my goal was to get through each day without being called in to my boss's office. When I did my best to make my students work hard, that's when there was conflict with them which landed me in "trouble". When I would let them get away with not working, when I expected less from my students, that's when my boss would leave me alone. I eventually learned to fly below the radar. But that's just not my style. I felt dirty inside knowing I wasn't doing a good job when I approached it that way. I was starting to believe that up was down and down was up. All in all, it was not a good fit, and I had to leave. My sanity required it.

So now I am back to teaching at two schools, but they are elementary schools, and I get to stay at one school for a whole week, and then the next week go to the other school. It's much less stressful than what I had done for three years, mornings here and afternoons there. My one year being a full time teacher at one school was a complete disaster, and I'm more than grateful to be split again.

Here's the kicker. One of the schools where I now teach is where my kids go. AND my mom works there. Not only does she work there, she's the other music teacher on campus. I work WITH my mom. We plan together. We sometimes teach together. It's really quite amazing. She's been at this school since it opened in 1992, and she's a fabulous teacher. I know have so much to learn from her. She's my ultimate mentor in so many ways. And I know that no matter what, there's someone on campus who will go to bat for me, protect me any way she can, and help me be my best. She'll let me know what I need to know. It's comfortable. It's so very good.

My other school doesn't have the family ties, but there are wonderful folks over there who make the job a joy. My mom's counterpart at that school is like my other work "mom". (She even has a daughter nearly exactly my age, 6 days younger than me.) We get along very well, and have a great time teaching next door to each other. It has surprised us both how comfortable our working relationship has been. We have fallen into a natural rhythm of helping each other, checking on each other. It's a good thing, too, because we share a portable building. We're like suite-mates. She tells me all the time how much she misses me when I'm not at her school.

This school year is over half-way over. I can say definitively that I am valued at my job. My bosses support me and want to help me to do the best job I can. When I hold students accountable, they back me. Up is up again, and it feels good. It is good for my psyche.

I have much more to post, but I think that's enough for now.

The song in my head is a jingle... and it's terrible, so I'll spare you...

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