Saturday, December 13, 2008

This Week, Part 3

The last thing I blogged about was Tuesday, right?

Wednesday was Big Girl's OT evaluation. I took Little Girl to my friend since it was my "day off". I then came home and finished up the paper work for OT that Hubby was supposed to have done a couple weeks ago. (He got a few pages into it and quit.) I fielded a phone call during that time, and scrambled to get it all done. I was nearly late picking up Big Girl from school.

Big Girl was happy to come with me. It was another surprise pick-up. She seems to do better with her school work when she doesn't know something is coming up. When she does know, she watches the clock and doesn't get any work done. There was more paperwork for me to fill out when we got there, and I diligently set about it while BG played in the waiting room. I had told her she was there to play, and she thought that was it. After about 10 minutes, she was totally bored. Poor kid.

When we were finally called back, we went into a room with some more toys while the therapist talked with me for another 10 minutes or so. Big Girl thought that was what she came there to do, and had exhausted the toys in half the time. They were really babyish toys, so I'm glad she wasn't entertained by them very well.

After the consultation, the real fun began. Big Girl thoroughly enjoyed playing with the therapist. They did all kinds of things - swinging on various swings, playing with a ball, wheel-barrow walking, balance beam (4 inches off the ground), drawing, stringing beads, peg-boards and more. Some of it she could do, and some she really couldn't do at all. At the end of it all, the therapist recommended OT every week. For multiple reasons, I'm not ready for that, and we're only going to start going every other week, but not until January.

After the OT evaluation, Big Girl and I went to lunch at Luby's, just around the corner from the OT place. She was in a terrific mood. She had really enjoyed all the things she got to do at OT, and then to get a special lunch out with Mommy was clearly a bonus. We had a lovely time together. I so enjoy spending one on one time like that with her. It doesn't happen all that often these days since she started school. She's a very interesting person, my Big Girl.

After that, I took her back to school, and went home to enjoy my last hour and a half off before Christmas by taking a much needed nap. Half an hour in to my nap, Hubby came home early from work rather unexpectedly. He ended up getting Big Girl from school and Little Girl too, and let me sleep. I ended up sleeping 3 hours! I needed every bit of that. It was like the Sunday afternoon nap I never got on Sunday.

Wednesday night was my night to serve in AWANA, but I was also needed for some choir stuff. So Hubby subbed for me and let me do the music thing, since he's not on the schedule this week, and didn't need to be there for practice. He took the girls home and put them to bed, and I was up at the church until nearly 10 PM. It worked out beautifully.

Thursday was the first Kindergarten field trip of the year. The kids got to go to a local theater and see a Christmas production for kids, and then to the park after for a picnic lunch. Parents weren't invited to come to the theater due to limited seating, but we were encouraged to meet them all for lunch. Little Girl and I did just that. It was a bit later than usual for lunch, and the buses bringing the Kindergarteners were a little late. It all added up to Little Girl's desperate need for a nap long before the play time was supposed to be over. Here's now I know she's hit the wall: she cries about EVERYTHING. Some one bumps her as they run past and it's the end of the world. Her jacket slips off her shoulder, and it's time to cry like the world is OVER. There's no mild irritation with her. It's total overreaction, the sky is falling at every turn. NAP TIME!!!

By the time we got home (the park was pretty close, about a 3 minute drive), there was only time for a short nap. 45 minutes of sleep was all she got. Poor baby. She could have used another 2 hours beyond that! But I had to wake her up to go get her sister from school.

Both of my girls were pretty tired. The field trip had really exhausted Big Girl, and they didn't get their usual rest time at all. We had an OK evening, considering everyone was pretty tired. I even managed to make a dinner that included vegetables.

Friday was a low-key morning with too much to do in the afternoon. Well, one thing out of the ordinary, but it fell at the absolute worst time of the day. I had a rehearsal with a ladies trio up at the church at what is usually Little Girl's nap time. Any other week when she'd have had a consistent nap every day, that might not have been a problem. This week, it was a major problem. For the first 15 minutes of the rehearsal, she was whiny and fussy, crying for no reason. Then I finally gave in and held her. She fell asleep in my lap. I don't remember the last time she fell asleep in my arms before that. Her sleep couldn't have been very sound (I was singing the whole time), and it certainly wasn't long enough. We had to leave and go get Big Girl from school.

We spent some time with my mom, who I had asked to get Big Girl for me since the rehearsal would make it tight for me to get her on time. We ended up spending nearly an hour in my mom's classroom, much longer than expected. We came home around 4:00 PM, and the wheels came off for both the girls. And Hubby was working out of town, so there was no one coming home to relieve me. I sent both girls to their rooms until they could stop crying. I needed a time out.

I totally wimped out on dinner. We went to Sonic. I'm not proud of it, but I did that with Hubby's blessing.

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