Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pulled in a new direction

I'm starting to try and get my feet wet with work before my school year actually starts. Today I went to GMS and saw my office for the first time since I was a student there (and never went in that office). I opened a file cabinet drawer, and just started reading through music. The library there is pretty extensive, since the school has been around for at least 30 years. I didn't get past the A section when the custodian came and let me know that they were about to wax the floor in the hallway. I had to get out of there so I'd be able to walk out of my room and get out of the building without messing up the newly waxed floor. In the short time I had to read, I found one piece I really like that will be perfect for my DMS 6th graders, and maybe will work for my GMS choir too, I just don't know. It's hard to be picking music when I have no idea what my students will be able to handle. If the piece I've pulled out is too hard, then maybe that will give me a target for them to achieve by the end of the year. If it's easy enough for them to take on for the Fall concert, then so much the better.

My main impression after this day is that I really enjoyed the time I spent working. I've always heard that the key to a happy life is to find a line of work that doesn't feel like work. I know I'm still in an idealistic fog about all this, but there's a decent chance that I may be in that situation... The music excites me, and I just can't wait to meet the kids and win them over.

After I left GMS this morning, I went laptop shopping for a little while. I'm excited about getting a laptop. The flexibility to sit on the comfy couch with my computer is very appealing, and the idea of using a computer that's less than 6 years old that won't lock up every time I try to multi-task is down-right FANTASTIC. I can only imagine it at this point... Some day... very soon...

Then this afternoon was my HR seminar, contract signing, benefits info session and such. Turns out we'll be saving on our dental plan by using mine instead of hubby's and getting vision coverage that's actually worth having. I wasn't able to complete any of that stuff there since I wanted to bring it all home and compare with hubby's plan before signing anything. And I'm so glad I did it that way since we did discover some savings.

For so many years my heart has been tied to home, and now it's really being pulled a new direction. I know it's God's timing, and it's right. To make sure I got some good time with my girls, we read an extra book at bedtime. That also solved the conflict since they didn't agree on which book we should read. That time of day has been precious to me in the past, and now I see it being all the more precious as other parts of our day together won't be as they have been.

A new twist to my life is that I seem to be motivated to follow through on doing the dishes after dinner for the first time ever. I think it's because I know I won't have time to do it later. I hope that trend continues. I know it's better for me, and better for Hubby, and certainly a better example to my girls.

I've had laundry hanging over my head now for the last several days. I had planned on doing it this past weekend, but on Friday I found out that the workshop I thought would be just Friday was in fact Friday, Saturday, AND Sunday. I was pretty unhappy about that. As a result, laundry never really happened, and I have some work to do tomorrow. Amazingly, tomorrow is the first day in 5 consecutive days that I don't have to do something for my job. Summer break isn't supposed to be over until the second week of August. It's still July, even if only for a couple more days.

I shouldn't really be complaining about that training I had to do... God did some cool stuff through it. It's a long, long, LONG story that probably won't make any sense to anyone, so I won't get into the details, but I met several people who know people I know, and then I ran into one of the elementary music teachers whose school feeds one of my middle schools, and lots of good discussions took place.

God is so good. REALLY. He's SOOOOOOO good. He's so good to ME (and you, too). That's the song in my head, by the way. Little Girl sang it with me tonight. What a sweet time that was.

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