Saturday, July 4, 2009

May the 4th be with you...

Happy Independence Day, everybody!

My husband, girls and I are all in Albuquerque, NM visiting my brother and his wife. We got here Thursday after a long day of driving. Yesterday we went to Sandia Peak and took the girls to ride on the longest tram in the world. That was really cool. It was about 80 degrees at the bottom, and at the top it was about 55. We almost didn't take jackets with us, but we were SO glad we did!

Today we spent the day at the Rio Grande Zoo, which is the city zoo in Albuquerque. It's a pretty good zoo. There's a train that takes you to the aquarium and botanical gardens, and if you're ever in Albuquerque, skip that train.

The girls have been total troopers. They have surprised us with their lack of complaining. Even when they have been up early in the morning, up late at night, having to wait to be fed, through it all, they've done great. They're taking their first real nap of the trip and it's day three... I am convinced that I have the best kids ever.

On a side note, Big Girl has taken to saying that this or that is the best ever or the worst ever. Her speech is heavily sprinkled with hyperbolic statements. It's kind of funny. She'll say stuff like, "that cloud is the best cloud in the world..." and we adults all look at each other and grin. She doesn't know why she's funny.

Oh, a total highlight of this trip, I nearly forgot to mention, before we got to Albuquerque, when we were about 40 miles outside of town, I got a phonecall on my cell phone from a principal I interviewed with on Monday. I have a job this fall for the first time since Big Girl was born! I know that's kind of a gigantic postscript, but that's all I can really say for now. I'm on vacation!

Today when we were waiting for our ride from the aquarium, Hubby, the girls and I sat and sang, "I Love My Lips," the VeggieTales song. That's what's in my head currently. Sorry. You get what you get around here! :o)

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