Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Oh no! I'm doing that thing I didn't want to do!

I'm not blogging!! I'm so tired when I finish each work day that I'm doing good to read a bedtime story with the girls before they go to bed.

I'm wondering how much I can say here. I know it's not a good idea to be public with opinions about work stuff, should the wrong person see it... Honestly, right now my feelings are very positive, and I'm looking forward to the meeting the students.

I got to meet a few today. All the teachers in the school had to go around the neighborhood and introduce ourselves to a list of 6th graders divided by the streets they live on. It seemed like a painful exercise at first, but it was a very positive thing for the few kids who were home and answered the door. If only it weren't so hot... but that's another story for another day.

It's just about 8:30, and I'm going to head upstairs, get into my pj's, and lay in my bed. I hope I go to sleep very soon thereafter, and that I sleep all night long. The gamble with this plan is that I may wake up at some point in the night and not be able to go back to sleep. I'm so tired right now that it's a risk I'm willing to take.

Goodnight, world. (My kids just went to bed less than half an hour ago... this is weird.)

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