Thursday, August 27, 2009

School Has Started

I don't know how good of a choir director I am, but if step 1 is making relationships with my students, I have definitely started mostly on the right foot.

Today I played a name game with my students. It's the second day I've seen my students, and in order to force myself to learn their names, I played a game where I'd say their names, and then throw them a ball. If I had to ask the kid his/her name, then that kid got to choose whether I had to do the Macarena or the Chicken Dance right then. The students laughed at me, I turned red. I have never been so motivated to learn names in all my life. It's voluntary humiliation. It also became a vocal exercise when the students started saying "WHEEEE" as the ball flew through the air. Some classes even sang the songs for the Chicken Dance and Macarena.

I have enjoyed this week for the most part. It's interesting to me how quickly I can tell which kids I need to keep an eye on and which kids I know will be the ones I can count on.

I have a very silly song in my head.. I don't even think I can properly describe it... I'll go looking for it online some other time. Now that I'm getting up every morning and going to work, going to bed early is a MUCH higher priority!

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