Monday, August 15, 2011

Why I had quit blogging

I'm remembering today another reason why I had quit blogging. When I'm frustrated about work, I can't blog about it. That would be stupid.

And yet those thoughts that eat at me are usually what I let spill out onto the blog.

I must stop. An unpublishable draft has already been written and rejected for this evening.

"Underdog," by Spoon is tonight's song.


lynn smith said...

Maybe there is some thing I can do to help. I find blogging about things I am frustrated with helps me see the positiveness in things as I try to put a positive spin on it. You are right though - you have to be careful, but if you turn the frustration into something positive it is easy to get through the frustration.

Fincher said...

I'd be happy to tell you what's going on in person.