Sunday, October 26, 2008


I can't believe I nearly forgot to blog this...

Yesterday, in the fray of my scrambling around to get things ready for the party, my dear, sweet husband did the most wonderful thing any husband could ever do for a wife: he asked me what could he do to help! He's the one who vacuumed the stairs, vacuumed the upstairs, unloaded the dishwasher and then (the kicker- he did this one unbidden) he cleaned up the kitchen after my cake-decorating mess!!! I cannot tell you what a load that lifted from me. I will be thanking him for his loving kindness and thoughtfulness for at least another few days!

My sweet husband is a blessing to me in so many ways. This was just one very concrete example I could share with the whole world. My primary love language is not acts of service, but this time those acts of kindness spoke VOLUMES to me!!!

Darling husband of mine, I love you more than words can say, and I thank you so much for the help you were to me yesterday! You blessed me in a very tangible way, and I sincerely appreciate what you did for me.

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