Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Yesterday's Song

Yesterday's and this morning's song in my head is "Creep," by Radiohead (the edited for radio version, of course). More specifically, I have the part of the song toward the end playing over and over again, when the guy is kind of wailing, and then alternately the crunchy guitar part at the beginning. If you know the song, then you know what I mean.

I don't know why it wouldn't come to me yesterday when I was blogging. It has been rolling around in my head for a few days, actually. I think it's like when your car consistently makes a funny noise, but when the mechanic is looking at it, it won't do it. Or when you study and study, and you know your stuff, but when you're staring at the test paper, the information just won't come. That's how it is with the song in my head sometimes. It' s there, hiding in the shadows of the back of my mind when I want to pull it to the front, and as soon as I publish the post, it comes out of hiding.

I did have a clever friend suggest that yesterday's song should be every version of "Happy Birthday" I've ever heard. That didn't even cross my mind. And I'm so glad that it didn't happen either!

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