Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Triathlon Dream

This morning I woke up from a dream. It was that dream where you're at school, and you suddenly realize that you never got dressed and you're still wearing your pj's (or nothing), only it was a triathlon, and I didn't have a bike.

But in this dream, I wasn't going to let that stop me.

The swim took place in the ocean instead of a lake. Swimming with the waves was much harder than in the lake. And to help myself swim better, I had my favorite serving spoon in my right hand. I haven't had it very long, so I was really sad when I lost hold of it and it went sinking in the ocean.

Then when I got to transition, where everyone else was mounting bikes and taking off, I sought out a guy named David Moreno (a complete figment of my imagination- I don't know any David Moreno), whose wife Debbie was the coordinator for this fictional triathlon, the "Miracle Cure Triathlon". When I found David, I asked him if he thought there would be anyone who didn't complete the swim whose bike I could borrow. (Now that I'm thinking about it, that would mean they possibly drowned, which would be very bad. But hey, this was just a dream.) He said that was probably the case, but we wouldn't know which bike was available for a while, so I'd be better off asking the fast finishers if I could borrow theirs when they get back from biking. Not long after that, the leaders started arriving. The first two wouldn't give me the time of day, but the third one back was Julie, my best friend from high school.

I asked Julie if I could use her bike, and she said I could, but she had already taken it apart so it could be shipped back to Colorado, where she lives now. Her bike was purple with sparkles. If anyone knowing Julie is reading this, you'd already know that nothing Julie owns would be purple with sparkles. She has a very distinct sense of style, and it has nothing in common with first-grade girly sensibilities. Anyway, I now had a willing lender of a bike, but it had no wheels, no handlebars, and no seat. I found David again, and asked him to help me. He was willing to help, but it was like Christmas morning, sort-of- the assembling presents part of Christmas morning.

By this time I had been in transition for over half an hour. When I came in, the race clock (which there wasn't one in transition at the Danskin) read forty-four minutes, and by this time was nearing an hour and twenty minutes. I was getting more and more nervous... and that's when I woke up.

And in my head, lying there in bed, I thought of this joke. (Warning- it's pretty bad.)

Why wouldn't the man fix his wife's broken bike chain?

Because he wasn't comfortable with public displays of a fixed chain. (Rim shot)

So will I do another triathlon? I'd say the likelihood is growing, since I'm still thinking about it a week and a half later.

I'd like to wish my Ironwomen friends good luck and God speed this Sunday! They're already in Idaho, I believe. Rachel and Christine, you ladies are AMAZING, and COURAGEOUS!! You can do it!!! Philippians 4:13 - "YOU can do all things through Christ who gives you strength."

The song in my head is a Toad the Wet Sprocket song, "Whatever I Fear." It's a good song, but it's been playing in my head for a couple days now, and I'm getting tired of it.

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