Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Happy Birthday, Brother!

Today is my baby brother's birthday. Well, he's 30 today, so he's not much of a baby, and he hasn't been for a long time. He'll always be my little baby brother, even if he is 6'6" and a doctor in the Air Force. When Mom and Dad brought him home to me, I declared him to be "my baby." In my 20-month-old mind it made perfect sense.

I'm really quite proud of the man my brother is now. He is a doctor, and that's no small thing. For about 4 years, every time I called him, he was in either Starbuck's or Barnes & Nobles, reading, studying for med school or the boards. He showed a determination and drive like never before. He made himself study for 8 hours on end because he knew he'd have to concentrate for that long in taking the board exams. (The picture on the right is my parents, brother and me the day he got his white coat at the beginning of med school.)

At the start of his second year of med school, my brother decided to join the United States Air Force and exchange 3 years of service for 3 years of med school tuition. He's always been the kind of guy who enjoyed working out, and physical challenges. Our Pawpaw was a Marine, and he's carrying that proud tradition of military service forward in our family. In officer training, they had to climb a rope. My brother commented to the guys waiting in line about the guys using their feet to climb the rope. When it was his turn, he did it with just his arm strength. That's my brother! He talks smack, but he can back it up.

About three years ago, my brother brought a girl home to meet the family. Less than a year later, he married her. I knew from the start that she was a perfect match for him. It's been fun to watch them grow in their love for each other and for God. I'm really glad he broght her into our family. (The picture on the left is my brother and me on his wedding day.)

So all that's to say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the best little brother a girl could ever have! I love you!!!

The song in my head right now is whatever is playing on my iPod. Currently that is "The Song Remains the Same" by Led Zeppelin. In about 3 and a half minutes it will be something else.

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