Monday, June 8, 2009

Long time, no blog

There have been so many things going on lately. There's one big thing I knew I couldn't blog about at the time, but now I feel like I can blog about it, partially at least.

As you probably know, the idea of going back to work has been sinking into me for several months. I had first thought about it after deciding that Little Girl would be going to school next year. Then in March I renewed my teaching certificate, just in case. Well, in April a job opened up that I wanted. At my mother's school, the half-time music teacher found out she'd be moving. The job would be half-time at mom's campus, and half-time at a nearby campus, making a full time job. I filled out the district's online application. As soon as I had heard that the teacher had talked to the principals at both schools, I went to each school and gave them my resume with a cover letter expressing my desire for the job. I taught elementary music when I graduated from college. I even taught at my mom's school for 2 years. I was going after my old job. It seemed like a no-brainer.

About five weeks after passing out my resume, I was called for an interview. The phone call came on a Tuesday, and the interview was for the upcoming Thursday. I was so excited and nervous for those 48 hours. I knew my task was to win over the other campus. The people at mom's school seemed to like me and think the situation would be good for everyone if I were to be the one in that position. They have had to hire someone new each year that this job has existed like it does, split between the two schools. It just seems like they'd want to hire someone who would stick around. I would be interested in staying there since my daughter and my mother are both at one of the schools.

Well, to shorten the story, and leave out all the agonizing details, my interview went well, but it didn't matter. I did not succeed in winning over the principal from the other school.

Ultimately the whole situation was (and is) in God's hands, and I trust God that the best thing for me was not this job.

It has been hard on Mom, too. She was obviously excited about the idea of working with me again. She was in on the other interviews and all the discussions between the two principals and the other music teacher. Neither of the music teachers were in on my interview, just the principals.

In the course of waiting and checking the district's online list of openings, I found a middle school choir opening that really got me excited. If you read my blog much, then you know how much I love choir, and the idea of teaching choir just thrills me. The opening I saw is no longer open, but I did talk to some important people, and I have some contacts out there who are very excited about the idea of bringing me on board. There probably will be something for me, but the way things work, it won't come about until later in the summer. I can wait, especially for the right job.

The right job may very well be staying home for another year. I don't know.

I have more to blog about, but that's enough for now.

"I Was Made For Loving You," by KISS, spent several days rolling around in my head. Thankfully, it has passed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The right one will open up! I so hope you get to direct a choir, that would be soooo cool and I can live vicariously through you! :)