Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Big Girl's Birthday

Today is Big Girl's actual birthday. Today is the anniversary of the day I became a mom. This morning, before Big Girl went off to school, I sat with her for a moment to try to tell her that six years ago today was one of the happiest days of my life. I think it sailed right over her head, but I least I told her. And I'll tell her again next year, and the next. One of these days she'll hear it, although I don't expect her to understand until she has a precious baby of her own. Still, I think it's important for me to say things like that to bless her, even if she doesn't get it.

That got me to thinking again about how having a baby brings a greater understanding of God's love. Here is this precious, helpless little thing that you don't know, but you know that no matter what, you love her with a love that would not hold anything back for her sake. I'd jump in front of a moving train to save her. I'd fight off a bear to save her. And what has she done to deserve that? Nothing really. She hasn't earned that love. She did nothing. What makes her the recipient of that kind of love is just the fact that she's mine. That's it. I love her because she's mine.

And that's how it is with God. We don't deserve His love. But we get it because we're His. What's even more special is that we weren't even born into his family. We're adopted, chosen to be a part of it. (I'm not trying to get into the whole free will/predestined argument here, so please don't go there.) Even when we act in a way that would make Him not want to claim us, He still does because we're His. Nothing we can do could make Him stop loving us, and nothing we could do could make Him love us more. His love is unwavering, unending, freely bestowed on His children.

Here's a picture of Big Girl from six years ago today. Who wouldn't love such a beautiful baby? (I know my eyes of love can't see anything but beauty in that face!)
There is a song in my head today, and it's not a very pretty one, so I'll wait to tell you til tomorrow. I have such a sweet feeling in this post, I'd hate to ruin it with this song. You'll understand tomorrow!

1 comment:

Traci said...

I totally agree w/ you about children helping us really understand God and His love for us. What a blessing children are!