Monday, March 30, 2009

Potty Progress

Last week's potty chart was mostly a success. The alarm clock system works for me. There's no way I'd remember to stay on top of it otherwise. I'm still thanking and praising God for that idea. Maybe now we can actually get this kid completely trained.

She had one poop accident that didn't make the chart. She went with my parents Friday night and I forgot to send the chart with them. Little Girl pooped in the tub. My mom made her clean it up. I heard that it took a whole hour for that to happen. I'm definitely going to add that to the mix here too. Why gross myself out? Why not gross her out? It's her poop anyway.

As promised, here's the chart from last week:
More important than all the potty issues in the world is Little Girl's soul. Last week, and this weekend, I've noticed that having a plan, a system, in place that keeps most of the focus positive has helped me keep her little heart in mind as I go about the task of teaching her. My language with her has been sprinkled with more about what God thinks about whatever is going on than just how she should behave.

It's helped me in how I deal with both girls. Sunday morning I was getting dressed for church upstairs, and I heard screaming from downstairs. Instead of issuing the "cease and desist orders" from a distance, I summoned them both upstairs. I told them both, individually, that ladies don't scream like that and they are to be little ladies, and to go think about it in their rooms. Then I got the real story in one on one interviews, made the offender apologize and ask forgiveness, and we went on with the morning. I didn't stress, I didn't get emotional, and I didn't even have to raise my voice. I managed to behave like a lady through that! Imagine! And to top it off, we were on time to church for the second week in a row.

Good things are happening around here. I think God is working in my little family, and I'm very thankful.

I have another Pearl Jam song in my head, and I don't even know why. It's "Come Back" from their self-titled album. I haven't heard that song in weeks. Funny how the brain works...

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