Friday, March 27, 2009

Random Friday Thoughts

I'm taking a breather in the middle of a very busy day of cleaning and preparing my home for Diva Night tonight. Diva Nights are basically Girls' Nights Out for our Sunday school class. Tonight is a slumber party here at my house. It's going to be lots of fun!! Hubby and girls are going to spend the night at my parents' house to get out of the way for the ladies only fun!

Yesterday Little Girl did poop her pants. It wasn't a surprise. Poor girl, she did it while we were at the school picking Big Girl up after her piano lesson. She had that look on her face that let me know exactly what was happening right that moment (sorry if that's too graphic for you). That happened right around 4:00, which is one of our alarm clock times. So she got a sad face on that part of the chart, and also one for poop being in the pants and not the potty. (After the week is over, I'll scan the chart so you can see it better. The "print screen" I did to show it the first time really didn't come out clearly at all.)

I have made a couple changes to the chart. I added more times of the day for panty checks, and also Saturday and Sunday. I'll start the new chart next week. The first one I made was in use before I had much time to think it through.

A couple days ago I saw the Pearl Jam video for "Jeremy" on VH1 Classic because they're rereleasing Ten. Consequently that song has been in my head ever since. I think Eddie Vetter looks maniacal in that video. It's appropriate for him to look derranged in that video, but whenever I think of him, in my mind's eye I always see that crazy look in his eyes (at about minute 3:45 in the video I linked).

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