Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Poop Progress?

This past weekend was a big one, poop-wise, for Little Girl. Friday night she actually pooped in the potty. There was much celebration over this, of course. It's been a few months since she'd had that kind of success. Unfortunately she followed that up by pooping in her pants on Saturday morning.

Saturday evening was a similar tale. She pooped in the potty before bath time. Yahoo!! Subsequently, she pooped IN the bathtub. Apparently she wasn't finished when she got off the potty.

Sunday morning she woke up with the nasty stuff in her pull-up. Given her recent failures, I'm fed up with letting her wear panties (and having to clean them), so it's pull-ups again until there's a demonstration of success. Anyway, much later on Sunday, she pooped in the potty, and it was substantial.

Since then, she has not had any accidents of either variety, and her pull-ups have remained clean and dry.

I'm somewhat hesitant to think that we've really turned a corner. I don't want my hopes dashed again. I do want her to be there. We'll see...

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