Monday, March 9, 2009


Yeah, this is another post about my dumb tooth. Sorry, but that's my life.


I'm so sick of being in pain.

When I take pain medication (ibuprofen during the day, and stronger stuff at night), I can tolerate it. And I even start to think, "I'm getting better. This isn't so bad." And then a few hours later, if I don't take more medication, I'm feeling it again.

That's how I woke up this morning. OUCH!!

A dentist friend on facebook (LOVE FACEBOOK!!!) let me know that it's common for the bone under the root tip to be touched during a root canal. Based on what he told me about the symptoms that would produce, I'm thinking that's what happened. He also told me that if that tooth gets stimulated (touched or whatever) that it prolongs the sensitivity. So having my crown done on Friday, after having the root canal on Tuesday, was probably not the best move for "avoidance of stimulation."

This is my not amused face. :|

And this is my "I'm in pain" face. :(

I've been listening to Maroon 5 on my iPod over the weekend. We had a live show of theirs recorded on the DVR. It was really good. They're a VERY tight band. They do interesting things musically too. I'm a fan.

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