Friday, April 3, 2009

Coronation Day

I'm getting crowned today. If only that meant something royal... I just get my permanent crown put on my tooth today. That means the temporary one that came out twice over Spring Break will come out today, and I don't have to worry about not being able to floss or chew things like a soft pretzel. That's good. It also means that I have to go back to the dentist's office today. If you've read my blog before, you know that's not exactly my favorite way to spend an hour.

If only that were all I had going on this afternoon. Why does it seem like there's always so much packed into one day? It's OT day for Big Girl.

An OT update: Big Girl is now riding her bike. That was one of the goals I had for her when we started. She rode around the driveway yesterday afternoon for a little while completely on her own. It wasn't completely smooth sailing, but she did it. This is a very good thing! Yay for her!!

Back to my busyness... I'm hoping I can get in for a hair cut after my dentist visit. Unfortunately I forgot to call and make an appointment, so I'm not sure I can get in with my girl today.

I haven't had my hair cut since November. In years past, I wouldn't be due for another cut for at least 6 more months, but in the last 18 months, I've been keeping my hair shorter. Hubby really likes my hair to be somewhere between chin-length and shoulder-length. In my heart, I've always been a long hair person. I used to go through a cycle of cutting off my hair (like he likes it) and then growing it out long until I couldn't stand it any more (headaches from the weight and such). Until September of 2007, when I donated my long hair to Locks of Love, I hadn't ever had a short hair cut that I really liked. Unfortunately, that cut that I love so much was done by Yvonne in Albuquerque, and I can't exactly go back to Albuquerque every 6-8 weeks to get my hair cut. I came home from helping my brother and sister-in-law move with my hair short. Hubby had no idea I was doing it and he got a fun surprise when he picked me up from the airport.

Anyway, long story short, I need my hair cut, and I'd love to get that done today while I have someone watching the girls for me. I've had my hair cut with the girls there, and it doesn't work out so well. The girls are well-behaved, but they distract me and the girl who does my hair, and I get myself in the "I wanna get out of here" mode, instead of scrutinizing my hair cut to make sure I'm happy before I leave there.

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