Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Whoa, there. Don't get too excited. She pooped her pants again today.


I'm feeling pretty emotional. I didn't get all angry at Little Girl, which is good. I'm just feeling so completely at a loss... she was doing so well for a while there. Why must there ALWAYS be steps backwards after progress? Why not just continued progress??

I keep hoping that her pottying or not is tied to something I'm doing, so that I when figure out whatever it is that I'm supposed to do, she'll get it. If I knew what that thing was, then I'd do it. But this doesn't work that way.

I'm really struggling with my success/failure as a mother being tied to this. If I were judged on it by someone on the outside, I'd be failing for sure.

I'm tired today. Quite tired. The place that I take Big Girl when she earns $1 on her penny chart has closed. I kept waking up last night having nightmares about that. And it just closed March 24. If she had earned her dollar about a week sooner, then we'd not have this problem now. (I'm not blaming her, please don't misinterpret.)

I need a nap.

Last night, on the way upstairs at the end of the day, Hubby mentioned that he had the theme song to Ducktales in his head. I know that wasn't the song in my head, but that's pretty way out there. I thought it blogworthy. Hubby claims he didn't even watch the show. He prefered Thundercats, and it was only his sister who watched Ducktales. Sure. I believe him.

1 comment:

Lehrmann said...

I'm sorry your day hasn't been so good. Know that I continue to pray for you and also know that you are a FANTASTIC mother. And about my brother...he obviously watched it WITH me enough to know the song. Love y'all!