Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What's on the minds of todays Kindergarten kids? Gay marriage, of course!

Yesterday Big Girl got to have a friend over after school for a play date. This girl came to Big Girl's birthday party, six months ago, but hasn't been over since. They're just friends at school mainly. I'll call this girl JJ, which is not her name, for the sake of clarity for this blog post.

JJ walked home with us from school. As we walked, we talked. JJ discussed whether she had had a play date before. The only other play date she had was with her mom's girlfriend. Oh, that's nice, I thought. No red flags yet. I have girlfriends, but they don't go on play dates with my kids. Here's how the conversation went from there:

JJ: My mom is going to marry her girlfriend. Girls can marry girls.
Big Girl: Girls marry boys and boys marry girls.
JJ: Girls can marry whoever they want to marry.
Big Girl: Girls marry boys and boys marry girls. (YOU GO, GIRL!!)
JJ: People laugh at girls who marry girls. But girls can marry whoever they want to marry.
Me: In OUR family, we teach our children that girls marry boys, and boys marry girls.
Big Girl: I can't marry Poppa (my dad). He already has a wife. (That was her main concern... and at least she's also rejecting polygamy!!)

And that was the end of the discussion.

I really would like to know more about the situation, but I didn't exactly find the opening to ask the mom when she came to pick up her daughter. "So, how's that alternate lifestyle treating you?" It just wouldn't have been natural. I don't think Big Girl will be going over to JJ's house. As sweet a kid as JJ is, I just can't let Big Girl be exposed to such things at her age and maturity level. It's one thing for a kid to talk about it (at school or wherever), but quite another for me to give tacit endorsement and let her go into that environment and be surrounded by it.

I know that by sending my kid(s) to public school, I'm allowing exposure to a wider variety of worldly experiences and views, but I never expected it so soon.

I heard a discussion recently on Laura Ingraham's radio show (I'm a huge fan), where a woman who was obviously liberal was arguing that promoting virginity in sex-ed sexualizes women. I got to thinking about that in the context of trying to talk to this other mom about her sexuality. Humans are sexual beings. Being married (to whomever) is a public declaration of sexuality. Saving sex, or not, perverting sex or not, humans are sexual, and that's not a secret, and has never really been a secret. Yes, there have been generations who wouldn't talk about sex at all, but that didn't mean they weren't sexual... obviously generations have come about since them. I don't know that I'm trying to make a point or anything. This is just stuff I've thought about.

And now back to the prayer closet to beg the God of heaven and earth to protect my kids!!!

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