Thursday, April 9, 2009

Last Week + Happy Easter

Last week's highlights:
  • Monday - The microwave went out. That happened as I was trying to microwave a frozen spaghetti meal for Little Girl for lunch because we were out of bread for sandwiches. It was not a good day. At least the microwave (built-in over-the-range type) was covered under the extended home warranty we re-upped thinking our AC was on its last legs. The AC has had a motor replaced this year already (but not the whole dern thing), and now the microwave- the warranty has paid for itself already. Monday night I ordered a new microwave to be delivered Thursday and installed on Friday. (It's not nearly so much of a big deal now that the new one is there, but it was an ordeal last week!!)
  • Wednesday - I found out about a job opening teaching music at my mom's school. They have a music teacher that teaches half-time at mom's school, and half-time at another school, making it a full-time job. I applied through the district's website within hours of hearing of the opening. The teacher who currently has that job will be leaving because her husband was offered a job in another city. There are obvious pros to me going back to work, mostly financial, and there are cons as well. If I get this job, Little Girl and Big Girl both will have to stay at school extra hours each day at some kind of "after care" situation, which wouldn't be the end of the world, but it gives me pause. Is that right for them? I'd also have to do all my grocery shopping and laundry in the evenings and weekends. I'd have to get up early every day to have myself showered and ready with make-up and everything at a very early hour. These days, when I walk Big Girl to school, I just get up and throw on a sweatshirt and jeans and go. I may or may not take the time to brush my hair before I leave the house. It just doesn't matter right now. But it would if I have a job.
  • Friday (Good Friday) - Big Girl was home from school, and we went to a bouncy-house place for her $1 prize. The one we usually go to has closed, so we had to find another one. It took us driving around for just over an hour to find it. Actually, we had two possible places, and we went to one, couldn't find it, went to the other, which only does parties, and then went back to the first one armed with the phone number and got directions twice on the way there. It was such a nightmare. I never want to go back to that place. My mom wanted to take the girls to an Easter egg hunt at her church Saturday morning, so she and dad came and took the kids for the night Friday night. Hubby and I got to go on a date after the Good Friday service at our church. That redeemed the day from the bouncy-house disaster.
We had a lovely Easter with my parents. The girls were absolutely adorable in their Easter dresses. For a mom like me, Easter dresses are what having little girls is all about. It's what you think about when you're getting that sonogram to find out the sex of the baby. I got to live it times two yesterday. Here's my girls in all their Easter dress glory, from behind so you can see the curls and the gorgeous backs of the dresses.

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