Thursday, May 21, 2009


A capella ensemble singing is one of the joys of my life. I'd always rather sing than listen to it. I had the opportunity to sing in an ensemble in college in which we did quite a bit of a capella repertoire, and we traveled all over the state recruiting for our university.

Since those days I haven't really had that in my life all too often. I did manage to pull together an ensemble at church over the last few years, but even then, we never held it together to perform more than 4 songs, doing one special here, one special there.

I had not anticipated the latest venue for a capella singing that is now thrilling my heart.

At bedtime with the girls, our routine includes a story, prayers, and a song. We just simply sing whatever song is chosen for the night. Until last week, that seemed like no big deal.

Last week, Big Girl started to harmonize. She spontaneously sang higher than the melody. She's such a spot-on singer that I knew she was doing it on purpose. For the first phrase or two she fished around a little, and then she locked in on a third above the melody, the perfect harmony line for, "God Is So Good," the song we were singing that night, and have sung every night since. Her confidence has increased, and she is able to do it without any fishing around for the notes.

I am more and more excited by Big Girl's musical development. There is so much of music that can't be taught, not really, and she seems to have all of those things in her. I can't wait to see what she does with all that...

Until then, we'll sing a capella at bedtime, harmonizing to our hearts' content!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love it! I'm not surprised by your Big Girl's ability one bit. :)

i miss singing with you friend. those were fun times.