Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Root Canal

Yesterday was my appointment with the endodontist. I was to be evaluated and get the work done all on the same day. It seemed like that would be the easiest- to only have to make arrangements for Little Girl once, and so I couldn't chicken out.

Knowing my history of anxiety related to dentistry, my general dentist prescribed me some Xanex to take before I went in, so that I wouldn't freak out right off the bat. That anxiety can interfere with the anesthetic's effectiveness, and it also makes it a horrible experience for me. This way, it was cut off at the pass.

Unfortunately, I didn't get that prescription filled when I filled the prescriptions for the antibiotic and the pain-killer the dentist gave me.

Something else I should note before I go on is that I hadn't been in pain for a week. I took my antibiotic for about 4 days. I also took the mega-strong pain-killers for 2 or 3 days, and then I decided to try not taking them, and just taking ibuprofen, and then I didn't even take that after a day or so. So I've been generally not in pain for a week prior to this endodontist appointment. I was, however, aware of my tooth in a way that I wasn't aware of the others. The night before seeing the endodontist, I did a mental "roll call" off my teeth to see if I could make my brain feel each tooth. I can, by the way. But that one on the lower left still wasn't the same as the others.

So here it was, yesterday morning, and I was hoping that I wouldn't need the Xanex. I was really doing a big job of self-talk, telling myself that I didn't need to take anything, and I'd be fine. By 7:00 AM, I had changed my mind. I still had time to get the Rx filled and take the medicine in time for my 10:00 AM appointment. I went to the pharmacy around the corner from my house before I fed Big Girl her breakfast. I was home by 7:06.

The morning progressed otherwise like usual. I walked Big Girl to school, I walked back home. I got Little Girl dressed.

The biggest difference of the day was that Hubby was staying home to take care of Little Girl while I had my appointment. Since I hadn't been in pain, I had nearly forgotten all about the endodontist appointment entirely, and I hadn't made arrangements with a friend to take care of Little Girl. Hubby's job is flexible enough sometimes that he can do this sort of thing in a pinch.

I got myself ready, and took the Xanex at 9:30, and went to my appointment.

As I was sitting in the waiting room, filling out paperwork, I could tell the Xanex was starting to kick in. I was very mellow, which is unlike me (anyone who knows me can verify!). I was still aware of my surroundings, I was able to sign consent forms and such, I just moved slower than normal.

They called me back to the chair. I went. It was super cold in that room back there, and they had a blanket for me to put over myself.

After the endodontist did some "tests" (he whacked on my tooth until it hurt, and he had me chew on a plastic thingy until it hurt, stuff like that), then he verified that I needed the root canal. Once they didn't need to talk to me anymore, I put my iPod in and turned it up.

I don't remember a whole lot else. I know they put a big rubber thing in my mouth on the right side to hold my mouth open. I also remember thatI was still cold, so they put another blanket on me. I remember some shots, and not liking that at all. And then I remember nothing else. I fell asleep. It was great.

When I woke up, Hubby was there with Little Girl to take me home. They had called him, knowing I wouldn't be able to drive after being on the Xanex. So we left my car there until later when my mom took Hubby to go get it. (She works at the school here in our neighborhood, and the endodontist's office isn't very far out of her way going home.) It all worked out.

I went home around 12:30 I'm told (I don't remember), went upstairs (I do remember this part) and went straight to bed. I left my purse on the landing of the stairs. I didn't even stop to put it where I usually put it in the kitchen. I slept until after 4:00. I'm so glad it was Hubby staying with me and not a friend. There's no way I could have done that with a friend. I don't remember anything from the time I went upstairs to hearing the sound of Big Girl's voice in the house and thinking how odd it was that she was home. I didn't realize it had been over 3 hours.

So the moral of the story is this: if you take a Xanex, allow for it to knock you out for the rest of the day.

I don't even remember what songs I listened to in the chair...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmm. maybe i need to get me some of this Xanex. (check our blog to see my post about needles, entitled "in my head") sounds like this could help me. hee hee.

glad it worked for you and that your appt. was as pleasant as possible.