Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I am making headway in my constant fight against sloth today. In order for me to have any productivity in my stay-at-home mom life, I have to start the day right. I have to wake up, and make myself STAY awake through the morning routine, getting Big Girl's lunch together and walking her to school, and then I have to put myself in an active state of mind when I get home.

Two things have really helped me today.

One is that I put my shoes on, and left them on when I got back home after walking Big Girl to school.

The other is that I put my pocket radio on as I walked home. I like to listen to the radio (Laura Ingraham Show, and Rush Limbaugh) during the day, as I do stuff. I don't usually start my radio listening as early as I did this morning. Listening to the radio keeps me from getting stuck in front of the TV. It also engages my brain, allowing me to think about things other than the mundane ordinary tasks in front of me. I do the same thing with my iPod after the radio shows are over.

I wish I did that every day. I wish that every day as a stay-at-home mom could be like today has been so far. It's not even noon yet, and I've already done some major house-cleaning tasks that don't get done often enough. There's still more to do, after I finish my lunch.

I wish all my readers increased productivity, and a blessed day.

Oh, and Happy Cinco De Mayo!

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