Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

I have the best mom. I mean no offense to anyone, or anyone else's mom. I just know my mom is the best mom in the world.

Just thought you should know.

Yesterday she and Dad came over for lunch. I made a roast and it was pretty great. I finally learned Mom's secret for making lump-free gravy. She shared some of her awesomeness with me. She's really fantastic.

Dad and Hubby went to a baseball game after lunch. Hubby got the tickets from someone who couldn't use them, it being Mother's Day and all. Mom and I were fine with them going. The present to us was that we didn't have to go.

I got the most precious Mother's Day present ever. Big Girl made me a figurine of a rose (pictured). She also made me a card at school, and another one at church. She's such a doll. I know when they passed out babies at the hospital (back in October of 2002), they gave me the best one. She's grown into such a sweet girl.

Little Girl has not needed a pull-up in over 3 weeks. I couldn't be happier about that. She's doing so well. Her attitude issues have been so very much improved too. When we's in a sweet/cute mood, she adds a Y to nearly every word. Blanket becomes "blankety", food becomes "foody", cartoons are "cartoonies", and it doesn't seem like there's any word she WON'T modify when she's in the right mood. She's very funny, and very much the life of the party. I think I got the best baby they had in March of 2005 for sure.

I had a lovely Mother's Day, and I love my family very much.

Today I have "Monday, Monday" in my head by the Mamas and the Papas. It is Monday, after all. Have a great day!

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