Friday, May 8, 2009

No-Fun Day

I can't believe I forgot to blog about the big time hardball incident with Little Girl last Friday. I've been so distracted I even forgot about it earlier today!

I've shared before about my trading days off with another mom who has a daughter Little Girl's age. Last Friday was a rescheduled day for a trade, it was to be my "day off". That meant Little Girl was going to spend the day with her best friend.

I don't remember what started it, but by the time it was time for her to get dressed for the day, she was throwing her pants rather than putting them on. Obviously that was unacceptable. I did spank her, but even after that she still didn't want to comply. I did something she didn't expect. I gave her one last shot to obey. If she chose not to obey, she would forfeit her day with her friend.

Wouldn't you know it, she chose to disobey.

That was the end of her choices for the rest of the morning. I had to go to Wal-mart for something, and I made her ride the little seat in the cart, which she really hates. I didn't talk to her like I usually do. I did nothing to make the experience enjoyable for her.

When we got home, I gave her a choice of sitting on the blue couch (our typical time-out spot) or sitting on her daddy's chair in our office, next to where I was. She chose the latter. There were no TV's on, and nothing for her to do. She started singing at one point, and I shushed her. "This is a no-fun day for you. You made your choice this morning." I said stuff like that throughout the morning, reminding her of why I was not letting her do anything fun.

At about 10:30, I offered her the opportunity to change her attitude and make a better choice. By then she was ready to do just about anything I asked her to do.

By forfeiting my morning of freedom away from her, I made some major headway in the battle. I know that if I don't get this matter of authority settled now, the consequences later are much, much higher. I'd rather pay now than pay later.

I felt like mother of the year.

Things haven't been so hard with her this week. I've gained some ground. I don't plan to give it up.

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