Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Day of Kindergarten

Today is the day. This morning I walked my precious little baby to school, taking pictures along the way, and sent her off down the hall to her classroom all by herself. I'll admit it, there were tears, all mine. She did beautifully, as I expected she would. (We'll have to see how the day went, I go pick her up in about another hour.) My mom, Big Girl's music teacher, went around the back way to check on her in the Kindergarten hallway to make sure she got to where she was supposed to be (parents weren't allowed past the doors at the end of the hall). Of course she was fine.

The PTA threw a "Boo-Hoo Breakfast" for Kindergarten moms. I was one of those. They had tissues on the table next to the fruit and muffins. Very cute. By the time I was in the breakfast, I wasn't crying anymore, but still, I appreciated the thought.

Today has been pretty quiet around the house with just one kid. When we got home, I went to work on my table (hopefully for the last time), and I sent Little Girl outside to play in the back yard. Of course she came in with muddy shoes, so I got to clean the carpet this morning too. Lunch was quiet, except for Little Girl spilling her milk partly on the carpet (in nearly the same place as the mud), and partly on the tile. She watched a couple videos, no fighting over what to watch, and now she's taking a little nap (I hope).

One of the strange things is that Little Girl was talking about going potty last night. Then this morning, she was back to her usual "I wanna be a baby and wear diapers forever" self. Today I printed out her penny chart and showed her that if she goes potty, she can get pennies. After that, she wanted to sit on the potty for a while. She didn't do anything, but I'm not going to discourage her from voluntarily going to the potty! I'll try and get her chart laminated soon so I can actually give her the pennies she earns. Could that be what she's been waiting for? Well, I'll try to not get my hopes up. After her attempt at potty today, she asked to be put back in a diaper. It's OK. Baby steps are still steps.

On one hand I'm anxious to go pick up my big girl from school. I want to know how the day went. On the other hand, I'm not looking forward to the walk in the heat and humidity. I'm determined to walk, though. It's better for me, and it saves gas, and we really live so close to the school, it would be almost embarrassing for me to drive! Plus, the line of cars at pick-up time moves very slowly, and would actually take longer than the walk there and back home.

I've got "Short Skirt/Long Jacket" in my head. It's by a band called Cake. There's just nothing quite like Cake. I don't like everything they've done, some songs I won't even listen to where they use foul language, but for the most part, they write some great hooks that easily get stuck in your head, and you don't even mind because they're really cool. And I know that was a run-on sentence, but I don't care. My baby started Kindergarten today, and I don't feel like editing.


Amy said...

oh my goodness!! cake is one of my very favorite bands!! is that appropriate to admit....?

Fincher said...

My favorite part of that song is where they mention my name, and the cup-holder armrest, and meeting accidentally at CitiBank. It's great stuff!