Wednesday, August 20, 2008

"Random" Thoughts

There is now less than a week before school starts for my precious little Kindergartener. And just over 24 hours before her daddy leaves again on another business trip. Today is an "exciting" day of laundry. Woo hoo. Really.

That last bit reminded me of something I hadn't seen in years, the Sarcasterizer. It's a "great" online resource. You just type in a URL, and it will appear with "random" words throughout the text having "quotation marks" around them, adding a much "needed" punch of sarcasm. I'm "sorry" to say, however, that it seems the Sarcasterizer is out of order. None of the sites I was trying would come up. I still greatly "appreciate" the idea.

I have worked on the table in the last few days. I've faux finished it with black glaze, in a "ragging off" technique. It looks very much like it did before the table tragedy, and all that's left to do is a couple coats of polyurethane. Soon we can eat on a real table again and put the card table away. I'm sure I can get that done by the time my husband comes back from him trip.

I'm pretty down today. The looming departure of my husband is definitely weighing heavily on me. The weather has been cloudy and rainy, which adds to my doldrums. (It makes for good working conditions in the garage, which is how I've gotten so much done on the table in the last few days.) I need something to look forward to, and instead I'm just sad about tomorrow, when he leaves, and then next week, sending my girl off to Kindergarten.

Along with sending a kid to school comes a much earlier wake-up call than I'm ready to face. We've been taking it easy this summer, and that will have to end. I'm not a morning person, not at all, and getting out the door before 7:30 is just not my style. My baby growing up and my forced life-style change all at the same time... I'm sad about it all.

The kids are watching Veggie Tales, "Larry's Wonderful World of Autotainment," and the song currently in my head is from that DVD, Pa Grape singing "Eerie Canal".

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