Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Mommy the Grouch

The "Good Will Fairy" has left the building. All this no sleep is definitely catching up to me.

Tonight we went to Chick-fil-a for dinner, which was a slight change from the usual. We usually go on Wednesday, before church activities on Wednesday night. We don't have anything on Wednesday night this week, and Tuesdays at our local Chick-fil-a is Family Night, where you get a free Kid's Meal for each adult combo purchase. So that's half the kids free, and there's not a reason to go tomorrow, so we went tonight. Big Girl has actually been allowing this change in routine every now and then lately. Any time she's willing to vary from the norm is a good thing.

Family Night at Chick-fil-a is not where you want to take kids that have not napped, or a Mommy who has been sleep deprived. There were so many people in the restaurant, I couldn't find a table with three open chairs in the whole place. Luckily, a girl with a college volleyball team heard me tell that to the girls, and the whole group got up and gave us their tables, since they were on their way out. It was nuts!

If there are that many people in the eating part, you can just imagine how many kids were in the play area. Take that mental number, and multiply it by 5 or 10, and then you're getting close. Oh my, it was OVERWHELMING!! There was also a guy playing guitar and singing VeggieTales songs (somewhat badly), and a crowd of kids around him. After a while, he got out two DDR pads (one was VeggieTales themed and the other was "Dance Praise," but they were the arrow pads, about 4' square). I noticed my Big Girl, who had joined the crowd around the music guy, with her shoes and socks off. Not cool. If you're going to advertize "Live Music" then carry on with the live music. Not something competitive where only two kids can do it at once, and not everyone will get a turn.

About this time a lady comes out of the play area and says there's a little blonde girl with a bow trapped in the top of the playscape. Fearing it was my little bow-headed blonde, I went in, and sure enough, it was Little Girl screaming way up in the corner of the play thing. She wasn't actually trapped. She was just screaming because a bunch of rowdy kids were running over her in the tunnel and on the slide and she had had enough. I can't blame her. I told her it was OK, and that she needed to come down, and so she started toward the slide. I thought things would be alright, but then two rough little kids, plowed over her to get down the slide. I let one of them have it. You just don't climb over someone. It doesn't matter how slowly they climb through the tunnel.

After I got my girls' shoes back on, we left, which greatly disappointed them both. But we had to get out of there.

Both girls got a quick shower (no hair-washing), and off to bed. Now it's my turn. Each day it's getting easier and easier to go to bed early. I hope it doesn't mess things up for hubby to come home. He's usually heading to the bedroom to read about 11:30-12:00, lights out at 12:30 or so. I just won't be able to function if he does that. He's going to be in for a rude awakening (litterally and figuratively) if he wants to keep those kinds of hours! The days of sleeping til 8:00 AM are OVER!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ugh! I hate those play things... unless they are empty and then they are awesome!
Chick fil a... good times.