Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wednesday Night Surprise

Last night I was tired. I was the kind of tired where I fell asleep on the couch, and then realized I needed to go to bed, so I went upstairs, did the bedtime routine stuff, and got in bed, all before 8:30. I haven't gone to bed that early (without being terribly sick) since I was in 2nd grade! Before I went to sleep, I called my hubby to tell him that I missed him. He didn't pick up, and I didn't think anything of that since he's been working crazy hours this week, so I left him a voice mail. I told him I was about to go to sleep, even though it was crazy early. About five minutes later, he called me back...

...from the airport. He called from the LOCAL airport to tell me he'd be home in about 40 minutes!!! He wanted to just show up and surprise me, but he didn't want to wake me up, since I was planning to go to sleep. (That would have been quite a rude awakening, since he'd have set off the alarm coming in. Glad he didn't do it that way.)

My first response, other than elation, was to apologize for the house being messy. I was planning to have everything spic 'n' span by Friday, but with no notice, he didn't get to come home to things the way I wanted.

My plan to go to bed early was only thwarted partially. I fell asleep on the couch in the 40 minutes it took him to make it home, and we were in bed with the lights out by 11:00. That's pretty good for a week's worth of catching up.

We all walked Big Girl to school this morning. It was nice. For us, it was like the first day all over again, only without the huge crowd.

And since he worked so many hours this week, he's not going into the office until after Labor Day! I get him HERE for 5 days in a row!!! WOO HOO!!!

Cake has made the song in my head again this week, with "Alpha Beta Parking Lot," and "Waiting." The cool thing about "Waiting" is that the singer, John McCrea, is behind the beat when he sings, but he's not dragging. He's just making us all wait for him to sing. Very clever.

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