Friday, August 29, 2008

More Reasons to Celebrate

On two very different fronts, there are reasons to celebrate. The baby I've asked folks to pray for has successfully come off the ventilator. She's now 7 weeks old, weighs 2 lbs. 13 oz. She's progressing well, moving around. Her parents eagerly anticipate getting to hold her for the first time in the next week or so. I cannot imagine the journey they're on. I still pray they discover God's grace in their lives as He sustains their tiny baby girl.

The other thing that has me doing happy dances is John McCain's pick of Sarah Palin for VP. I have been completely apathetic towards McCain up to now, but with this choice, it makes me think he may actually have some sense.

I am a political junkie, and have been since I was about 12, although I remember being vehemently opposed to Dukakis when I was in 5th grade. (What could I have really known back then?) Anyway, I've been paying attention to that stuff for a long time. Anyone remember the exact date of the Clinton impeachment vote? I do, I got married that day, so I have a reason to remember it, but still. December 19, 1998. We got back from our wedding and watched CNN in the hotel room to find out what had happened since we hadn't been paying attention for a few hours.

Back to Palin... She's conservative, she's a straight-shooter (literally and figuratively!), she's a reformer, she has executive experience (unlike everyone else on the ticket on both sides!), she's a mother, and she'll be tough to beat. However this campaign ends, she'll be a great choice to put up against Hilary in 2012 or 2016. It's a good day for conservatism.

I might actually be motivated to vote for McCain now instead of just voting against Barack.

In my head right now, "The Word," by The Beatles.

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