Monday, November 10, 2008


I realize it's been a while since my last post. It was a busy week last week. I had choir rehearsals Sunday, Monday & Thursday, then a concert Friday night.

And it took me a while to get over it. The election really bummed me out for a little while. I do believe God is in control, and I keep reminding myself of that. But I had already blogged about it, so I didn't see any need to get on here and do another post.

Friday night the girls stayed with my Mom & Dad (have I mentioned that I have the BEST parents ever?!?!) so that Hubby could come to my concert. He enjoyed it more than he thought he would. It was nice. We met for dinner before, and then a friend came to the concert, and he went with us afterward to have a little dessert. It was fun being out late, and not worrying about the kids. Then Saturday morning Hubby and I did yard work which needed to be done, and got the kids Saturday afternoon.

Sunday morning was awful with getting the girls ready for church. I was late to both services because of dealing with one or the other of them being less than cooperative for whatever reason. I missed the opening song both times, and it was choir Sunday. Can we just have a happy Sunday morning? Is that too much to ask?

Mom & Dad came over for a pot roast lunch. I did it again! I made pot roast! And this time I made gravy too, which I didn't bother with the first time since it was just Hubby and I eating it. We had a nice Sunday afternoon.

This week is shaping up to be pretty busy too, but not the same kind of busy. Last Friday I had a dentist appointment, my first since breaking off part of what I thought was an "inlay" but what turned out to be the back corner of my tooth. I found out I need about $800 worth of work done between the broken tooth and another cavity under a filling on the tooth just behind the newly broken one. Great. This is not going to encourage me to keep up with my dental health. I already have a thing about dentists (for a refresher, read here). If I wait to have all this done until we switch dental coverage, I can get the same work done for around $400, so I'm rolling the dice and putting it off until July or August. And hey, if the world ends in the next few months, then I didn't really need it done anyway, right? The gamble is that the decay will progress quickly and I'll need a root canal instead of whatever I need right now. I just hate going to the dentist. It's never good.

Today was Little Girl's first trip to the dentist. She did great. She was relaxed and cooperative, which surprised me. She's not the most cooperative kid about ANYTHING, and she far surpassed my expectations. Her strong-willed-ness was no where to be seen. Her teeth look good, no cavities. She does have a crack in the root of one of her two front teeth, which must have happened with a fall or something, but I can't for the life of me remember a fall that might have caused it (it could have happened any time in the last 2 and half years!). All that means is that it may fall out a little ahead of time, which might actually be kind of cute. And her mouth is pretty little, causing her baby teeth to not be straight. She'll definitely need some work done once those giant permanent teeth come in. Her bite is also a little off, side to side. The dentist was saying we might need to do something about that in the next year or two. Oh boy. That's fantastic. (Eyes rolling.)

Tomorrow is super busy. I mistakenly scheduled 2 appointments for Big Girl too close together. She sees a pediatric neurologist for her autism, and that appointment has been scheduled since November of 2007, and it's tomorrow at 3:00. About 3 weeks ago I scheduled her 6 year well-check, and I scheduled it for tomorrow at 2:30, not remembering about the neurologist appointment. Today I got it all worked out, and there was a cancellation at the pediatrician's office for Friday morning, so I got that appointment moved. YAY! And tomorrow morning, I have an ARD for Big Girl. That's the meeting where I sit down with the people at the school and go over what Big Girl needs as far as special ed services. I don't know why they want to meet so soon. We just had one last Spring. Oh well, I guess I'll find out tomorrow what's up with that. Little Girl will be going to that meeting, but not Big Girl. I bet Little Girl will do just great. She tends to perform pretty well with a group of adults that size, and when she's allowed to do her own thing on the floor.

Then Wednesday I have to get my teeth cleaned. More dentist. YUCK!!! I'll put on my iPod and check out as best I can during the scraping and all that. It makes my skin crawl just thinking about it.

I'm tired already just thinking about this week! At least I don't have Choral Arts rehearsals until January. But I might try to do a performance of Handel's Messiah in December. I've never sung it before. It would be fun.

I have had snippets of Britten's Cantata Misericordium, and Elgar's "Great is the Lord" from the concert Friday night in my head. I'd really like to move on, but I'm stuck. Maybe if I do the Messiah, I can have the "Hallelujah Chorus" in my head. That would be fun for a change (for a little while anyway).

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