Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Nasty Poop Story

If you don't want to read a nasty poop story, then skip this post. You've been warned.

Just a little past noon I called Little Girl to come downstairs. She hadn't finished all of her sandwich, and she needed to go potty before nap. She didn't come right away. I should have known there was a reason.

I called her again and stood where I could see her coming down the upper half of the stairs. There's railing up to the landing, and I could see her coming through the railing. When I was certain she was on her way, I quit watching her and went about fixing my lunch, or something like that in the kitchen, I don't remember now. She went to the table where I had directed her to go, and I kept fiddling with my lunch.

*Sniff, sniff.* I smelled poop. "Did you poop in your pants?" I asked her. She denied it quickly. Then I noticed a little trail of something on the floor leading to her chair. I was pretty sure it was poop. "Did you poop in your pants?" I said with a distinct edge in my voice. Big eyes, turning on the pitiful puppy-dog show looked back at me as she nodded.

I started to follow the trail of poop back toward where she had come from and it led all the way to the stairs and all the way up to the second step below the landing. I lost it. She had let poop run down her leg inside her pants and come out all over the carpeted stairs. I am still horrified as I think of it.

I went back to the kitchen and ... I'd like to say that I calmly explained to her that her pooping in her pants and consequently on the floor was inappropriate and unacceptable, but that's not exactly how it went down. I was angry. She knew it.

I had to give myself a time out before I could deal with her, or cleaning up. So I ate my lunch. Not the most appetizing thing to do while there's "eau de poo" in the air, but I had to eat. The food was made, and besides, that's what I was doing BEFORE all that mess happened.

When I was a little calmer, I took her outside and began the clean-up process. The pant leg of her jeans was caked with poo, so I hosed the pants and panties off too. Then I turned the hose on my then naked daughter. Even after a good hose-down, I still found a spot of poo on her leg after we were inside.

Before letting her get comfortable and warm, I made her clean the floor. She mostly sat there with her paper towel crying, but she did wipe up a spot or two while I tackled the stairs. There are still spots on the stairs. I don't think they're coming off. I gave it everything I had in the way of cleaners, and elbow grease, friction and whatnot. I'm afraid there will forever be 5 spots on the stairs that won't come out. At least I got up the other 4 or so. After I'd done the stairs, I worked my way down the poop trail until I met up with where Little Girl was supposed to be cleaning.

After the tile was cleaned up, I took her upstairs and gave her a quick cold shower to get that spot off her leg, and also to use soap on her everywhere from the waist down. I did not wait for the water to warm up. I know it's not fun to be hosed off naked outside or given a cold shower, but it's not fun to clean up someone's poop off the floor either, and I'm not the one who pooped my pants, so I don't feel bad about it.

I hope this goes down as the worst story I ever get to tell about potty training. I don't think I could handle worse than this. SUPER GROSS!!!

I warned you. Poop story.

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