Friday, November 21, 2008

What do I do with Little Girl? - A Day in MY Life...

Original post at 8:59 AM - What do I do with the girl who refuses to poo in the potty? This morning Hubby caught her red-faced and grunting (standing, with pants on) and I pulled her pants down and plopped her on the pot. Since then, she's spent some time screaming, some time talking to herself, some time playing with everything in that tiny powder room that isn't tied down, but no time doing what she NEEDS to do. I am at a loss... HELP!

Updated at 9:10 AM - She put a tiny little bit of poo in the potty. I'm afraid to let her off the hook for fear that she's got more and it will end up in her pants. This is so difficult (I was going to say hard, but in this context, that means something else - HA!).

I apologize for the blow-by-blow over potty... I really didn't want this blog to be about that, but that's my life lately. I don't know any good potty songs, so you're spared in that way at least.

Updated at 3:13 PM - I made her stay on the pot until 10:00 this morning and threatened her with a spanking AND timeout if she messed her pants after I let her up. She and a friend played for a couple hours before the friend and her mommy had to leave. She still hasn't messed her pants since this morning, and that's good, but she hasn't done much in the potty either. This is the time of day when I tend to forget about potty, and she makes the most messes. Obviously it's on my mind at this moment, but will it be in 5 minutes?

I have had a very frustrating afternoon with her. She was in all-out refusal mode about nap, and then when it was time to go get Big Girl from school, she was slow to wake up and was in the worst mood ever. No trike today. She rode the stroller, screaming most of the way there. Since coming home, she and her sister have been at each other. I need a break. I don't want to hear any more "nyah" stuff, or crying, or whining, or I just may explode.

Updated at 5:25 PM - I just got a call from Hubby- he's working later than usual tonight, and is still at the office. Little Girl has both peed and pooped in her pants, and I just got done hosing her, wiping her, spanking her, and changing her pants. She now knows that spankings are part of the poop-in-her-pants territory, as this is the second or third time to do it. She has bent over her bed each time I've had to administer a poop spanking, and hasn't made that part difficult, which is a blessed change from every other thing I need to do with her lately, it seems. I've been putting her in the thicker panties made by Gerber, but since all of those are currently in the washer, she's wearing a pair of regular panties, just like her sister's, which won't hold diddly squat if it comes to that. I just can't put her in the LAST pair of pull-ups we have in the house. I need to save those for an outing. (I'm also in desperate need of a trip to the grocery store. I made Big Girls pb&j this morning with a hamburger bun because we ran out of bread!)

Now it's time to figure out what to scrounge for dinner to feed the children... *Sigh*

Updated at 9:10 PM - Hubby's coming home late wasn't so bad. He was only about a half hour or so from leaving when he called to tell me he'd be late. And he picked up dinner for the two of us on his way home. On top of that, he put the kids to bed for me. THANKS, Honey! I love you so much!

And for anyone concerned for the well-being of my children, they ate a really healthy meal, considering my lack of planning. They split the leftover grilled chicken (half a pretty big chicken breast), and had pasta and vegetables to go with it. The pasta was a previous homework assignment of Big Girl's. She had to find something at home and sort it by whatever rule she chose. She sorted "Wacky Mac" spirals by color. She wanted to eat the yellow noodles and Little Girl chose the orange noodles. There was about a serving in each little baggie. It worked out well, and Big Girl even let me mix the colors on the plates, as they were mixed in the cooking.

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