Monday, November 17, 2008

More Battles with Little Girl

I had an epic battle with Little Girl yesterday morning. I don't know what it is about Sundays... it's like she knows that there's a schedule, and she's determined to throw it all out of whack. I was able to keep my cool through it all, until she hit me. But that was after I'd already wrestled her into the shower, bathed her against her will, wrangled her out of the shower and into some dry clothes and sat on her (I didn't put weight on her) to get her shoes and socks on. And even when she hit me, I didn't unleash the fury that some would consider to have been warranted. I was lucky to get through all of that flailing without getting kicked in the teeth (just what I need right now...)! Once she was forcibly dressed to the shoes, she sat on her bed with her pink and blue doggies (her favorite bedtime friends), and stopped crying. We then had a little talk about how it didn't have to be that way, and I don't like fighting her, but if she's going to force the issue, I'll fight and I'll win. I love that girl, I really do. We made up before church. I'm so glad we did. I was able to go to church (20 minutes late) and not worry and fret all morning. Last night before we went to bed, Hubby and I each prayed over her. I did that a few weeks ago, and things were better for a while. It can't hurt anything, that's for sure.

Today is like a repeat show of yesterday, so maybe it has nothing to do with Sunday. The common thread these last 2 days is her pooping and/or peeing in her pants first thing in the morning. Today I took her outside and hosed her off. Yeah, it's 43 degrees out and the water is cold, but it didn't take long. I don't want it to be pleasant. And it wasn't. She didn't stop screaming until she had been inside for 10 minutes. The biggest difference from yesterday is that we don't have anywhere to go, and I'm not forcing the issue to get her cleaned up and dressed. Oh well. She's still pants-less, and I haven't really interacted with her since she stopped crying. I should probably do that...

What is the deal with her? Everyone I've talked with is equally baffled. I think we have an example of the untainted sin nature on display. She wants her own way and will not sit by quietly when she's not getting her way.

All weekend I had another Cake song in my head, "Hem of your Garment." The opening lyric reminds of Karli - "I'm intrinsically no good." Really that's true for all of us. We have darkness in our hearts until God changes that. And even after we've been redeemed, we're still intrinsically no good aside from the goodness of God.

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