Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Woes

This has certainly been an evening of extremes. People are either ecstatic, or despondent. I'm leaning toward the latter, all the while reminding myself that God is really in control. His sovereignty is not the least bit threatened by a silly election amongst His creation.

That being said...

For the years leading up to 2006 we had the White House and BOTH houses of Congress. How did we get here in 2008? Here's my analysis:

1. Bush was never the conservative we wanted him to be. Not even back in 2000 when he was narrowly elected the first time. He has since been on the wrong side of many key issues (despite being on the right side of national security):
  • Campaign Finance Reform, which he signed expecting the Supreme Court to throw it out.
  • Immigration Reform which never passed the Congress because of the outcry from the electorate (THANK GOD!!).
  • Signing every pork bill that crossed his desk. This one is HUGE!! $$$$$$$
  • He let Ted Kennedy write the education bill. (WHAT?!?!?)
I heard Bush speak in 1998, when he was governor of Texas, and just a possible presidential candidate. He said all the right things back then, but it's hard to believe he meant them. His "new tone" ended up meaning he bent over backwards and let the Dems have nearly everything they wanted. He did give us tax cuts, but they have an expiration date, and we can't expect them to be renewed. Not now.

2. He kept Cheney as VP in 2004, even though Cheney was vocal about not wanting to run for president (not that Cheney would have been a good candidate). Bush set us up to have a wide open primary process which got us saddled with John McCain. The more liberal Republicans in New Hampshire and South Carolina (who have reelected RINO Lindsay Graham AGAIN) got us stuck with him. Had we a VP incumbent to naturally take the helm when Bush's terms were up, it wouldn't have been McCain, no way, no how.

3. The Republicans in congress haven't separated themselves from the Democrats in congress, which set up the revolution in 2006. Too much pork. Too many scandals. Let's behave, people. Keep your pants on, and your hands clean, and don't spend our money like it's going out of style, please!!

4. McCain himself is not conservative, and not different enough from the Democrats for the Republican base to care all that much about the outcome of the election. He was on the same (wrong) side as Bush on those very issues I mentioned before, save maybe the pork. I haven't studied McCain's role in pork bills.

5, Tragically, McCain didn't call the Dems out for their folly in the economic mess that came to a head at the absolute worst time for the Republicans leading up to this election. And then he voted for the bailout. If he hadn't, I think he could have changed things enough to make a difference.

6. Sarah Palin, the best thing the McCain campaign had going for it, was not allowed to get out there and be herself. She was obviously tied by some of McCain's positions (the bailout for example), and not allowed to call things as they were (and still are).

I just hope that all this Democrat control of everything sets them up to open the door into their own noses, to give them enough rhetorical rope with which to hang themselves, etc. They'll have no one to blame for the mess they make of everything in the next few years, and we can have another Reagan landslide in 2012, only it will be a PALIN landslide next time.

God is in control. In my opinion, His favor on our nation is directly tied to our protection of Israel. God has protected us because we protect them. If our new president (President Hope 'n' Change, Hubby says) allies himself and the nation with the enemies of Israel, I believe God will no longer stay his hand.

The song in my head is a doozie. You'd never guess this one in a million years: Steven Curtis Chapman's "Got To B Tru" from The Great Adventure. Threw you for a loop there, didn't I? I loaded some vintage CCM into my iTunes this week, and that song came up more than once in Shuffle mode. I disabled that song after the second time. I couldn't take it.

Sarah Palin in 2012 campaign begins tomorrow!!!

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