Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy Holidays, etc...


I'm still catching my breath from the busiest 2 "vacation" weeks I've had maybe ever, or at least in recent memory.

We had a great Christmas, and got to see lots of family we don't always get to see. On the 22nd and 23rd, we traveled to West Texas to see Hubby's side of the family and do "Fincher Christmas". We do a gift exchange, drawing numbers from a hat, and then stealing and what-not, like white elephant, only good stuff, with a $10 limit. There are usually flashlights, and tools among other things. This year the gift I brought was stolen a couple times. That means I did good!

At Fincher Christmas this year was the newest member of the family, the nearly 4 month old son of Hubby's cousin. I got to do lots of holding, and even got to give him a bottle! He was so snugly and warm, and he just melted into me. As I have more of these opportunities to hold other people's tiny babies, and the further away I get from having my own (my youngest is nearing 4 years old), the more at peace I am with knowing that head of baby fluff I get to kiss and nuzzle will be passed back to other parents who get to wake up at all hours and tend to the crying while I get to sleep all night with my big kids tucked soundly in their beds. I know it's a trade off, and I'm happy with my part at this point. Considering how baby crazy I was before having my kids, this is a big deal that I seem to be immune to baby fever.

Then Christmas Eve we spent at my mother-in-law's house with Hubby's sister and her family, Grandmom (my mother-in-law's mother), Linda (sister-in-law's mother-in-law), and Harriet (Linda's mother). Besides Hubby and my sis-in-law's husband (who was rather sick that day), it was a complete estrogen fest. It was our first Christmas since my father-in-law passed away last January. Last year we had Christmas in the little apartment, and he was in the hospital, so we took turns going to the hospital to see him. That was the first time we realized how bad off he really was. It was the first time we really thought he was going to die. Thinking back on that is very hard, and sad. This Christmas we had a big meal, and had a fun time. Hubby and I had to get back for the Christmas Eve services at our church, of which there were 2. He played bass, and I sang a couple of songs with 2 different trios. My mother- and sister-in-law came to the second service and brought all 4 of the granddaughters with them. At the end of the service, Pastor had us gather with our families and have a prayer together. It was then that all 3 of us ladies (Hubby was on stage playing his bass) shed tears over the obvious absense of the patriarch. It was the right time and place to honor his memory, and acknowledge our loss together. I know we all miss him separately, and not a day goes by that we don't think of him, but we don't do that all together very much. It was cathardic.

Christmas Day, the four of us had our little family Christmas together. We read the Christmas story from Luke, and opened presents. It was nice. The girls were thrilled with their gifts. We don't do Santa Claus for the sake of our very literal-minded Big Girl, and all the presents are marked "From: Mom & Dad," which is how it really is anyway. If we want her to believe us when we tell her about Jesus, then we don't want to sour our credibility with the Santa Claus stuff. In the grand scheme, Santa isn't worth it. My husband was devastated when he learned the truth, and we don't want to do that to her. I think she still believes a little bit, but when we talk about it, I always make sure to tell her that Santa is pretend. I have also told her to keep that a secret from her friends at school, but we'll see if she can do that. They all have to learn the truth eventually anyway. I don't think it would enter Big Girl's imagination to go telling her school friends, at least not for a few years anyway. She's just not wired that way.

After we got ourselves dressed, we went to my mom and dad's house, where my brother was anxiously waiting for us. He got his wife a very nice camera, and had it delivered to our house. He was so anxious to have us come over, I thought he and his wife had an announcement of the next generation variety. But it was just that he was anxious to have his wife open her present (which I wrapped). They've been married a few months shy of 2 years, and I think the baby bug is hitting them. Anyway, we had a good time doing the Christmas thing with them, my parents, and both my grandmothers. Dad's mother was here from Iowa, where she's lived for the last 11 years. In that time we haven't seen her much. Mom's mom was here because she's had some health problems in the last month, and she's been staying in town with Mom and Mom's sister alternately. The last time my grandmothers were both in the same place was at my Pawpaw's funeral, and before that was when I got married. It doesn't happen much, and hasn't happened but a few times in my lifetime. My mom's mom is a very unhealthy individual, to put it lightly. She definitely has a hoarding disorder, and depression, and has been that way ever since my mother can remember. Considering what a drag it could have been that she was joining us for Christmas, it really was rather pleasant. She didn't dominate every conversation, and she let us all be, which was very unusual.

The girls both got scooters for Christmas from my parents, which were assembled that afternoon, and ridden around the driveway. It was lots of fun watching the girls, and my sis-in-law had fun playing with her new camera. It was also good to catch up with her, since she and my brother now live out of state, and we hadn't seen them since last Christmas.

I have so much more to say about the last couple weeks, but I'll save more for another post. This one is long enough.

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