Wednesday, January 14, 2009

In Memoriam

What would I want said about me after I have died? I think I'd want people to remember fun times, funny things I had said, meaningful conversations and love. Mostly love. So that's what I want today's blog entry to be about. Today marks the anniversary of my father-in-law's passing.

He was a dear man, very quiet usually. He had a way of saying things, important things, in a gentle way that still carried weight. He was devoted to his family. His love for his wife, two kids, their spouses and his granddaughters was surpassed only by his love for God.

My most cherished memory of his last days was when we went to visit him in the hospital, and his two sisters were there. They told him I had come (along with Hubby), and he immediately asked me to sing something for him. I sang a hymn to him, I think it was "How Great Thou Art," and his whole countenance changed as he did his best to sing with me. He was not a singer by any means, but he was singing with his whole heart to God, and it was such a sweet thing to witness.

His presence added a steadiness to everything. He is sorely missed.

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