Friday, January 16, 2009

The Mystery of "Horton Hears a Who"

Most people know that "Horton Hears a Who" is not a mystery. We had our own mystery surrounding the copy of the famed Dr. Seuss book checked out from the school library by Big Girl.

She checked it out in December, and it was due January 5th.

Ever since Big Girl started Kindergarten, and has had somewhat independent library privileges, I have been nervous about her ability to keep track of, take care of and return library books. I know that at the end of the year, if there are overdue books, we'll be on the hook for the money to replace them. While it may not really be expensive, it's also the principle of taking care of things that concerns me. Big Girl has not really demonstrated conscientiousness in keeping her things protected, put away, etc.

This week an overdue notice came home in Big Girl's take-home folder for "Horton Hears a Who." I scoured the upstairs, looking through Big Girl's room and her vast collection of books. I looked everywhere downstairs, hoping that it slipped behind the couch or something. No luck. I asked Big Girl, and she said she took it back to the library.

What am I to believe?

Thursday, on their way to school, as Hubby walked Big Girl to school, he probed her about the book situation. She continued to say that she returned it to the library. When he asked her where she put it, she said she put it back on the shelf with the other Dr. Seuss books.

Today I had my mother verify her story (it's a teacher work day, and my mom teaches at Big Girl's school). Sure enough, it was there! The book has now been returned in the computer, and we're no longer on the hook for the overdue book!

Now I just need to take Big Girl to the library on Tuesday and show her to use the slot!

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