Friday, January 9, 2009


Every now and then, Little Girl comes to me with this request. She's very charming when she wants something. This is the when she bats her eyelashes, and smiles wide, and usually clasps her hands in front of her chest. She is nearly irresistible.

But I have an iron will. I resist. I take these moments of her willingness to do almost anything for candy to send her to the potty. She knows what she can do to get some candy. All it takes is... you know. Do I really have to spell it out?

She hasn't pooped at all (that I know) since Sunday. Considering that it's Friday now, I can't imagine she can hold out much longer. Maybe there will be some candy in her near future after all.

In my head this morning, for no reason I can perceive, is the song, "Wheels," by Cake.

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