Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thank You, Chicken Little

In a complete overreaction to the swine flu non-epidemic, Big Girls' school district called off all extra curricular events from the day of the decree last week some time through May 11. As a result, the PTA's biggest fund raiser of the year for Big Girl's school was canceled.

Part of me was really bummed out about the cancellation. There's no telling how many things the PTA would not be able to pay for without the funds from the carnival. It made me sick to think of all that prep work being done for naught. A waste of many mommies' time and the PTA's money that they would not be able to recoup.

There was another part of me that was glad to not have to round up volunteers from Big Girl's class. Getting people to work for something like this is like pulling teeth, and I had one volunteer before the thing was called off.

Well, in a display of forward-thinking leadership, the district gave a big ol' "NEVER MIND" to the former decree. Now the carnival is back on. Word came yesterday, May 6th, that the carnival is going on as scheduled for May 8th. That means I have less than 2 days to round up 6 volunteers. I would have been sending out e-mails, gently reminding the parents to let me know if they could help, but instead, I sent out an e-mail saying that it was off, and I didn't need anyone.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is my LAST year as homeroom mom. This has been a blast... (what's the emoticon for rolling eyes?)

Next time we have a non-epeidemic break out of any kind, I suggest we all light our hair on fire and run around in circles flailing our arms. That would be just about as helpful.


Anonymous said... did it go??

Fincher said...

It went fine. Our class booth was canceled, and we combined with another class for the "small moonwalk". Instead of having to get 6 volunteers, I ended up only needing 3, which was all I could get anyway. I'm not sure exactly why our booth was canceled, but I think they stopped doing prep work for everything when everything was called off, and then there wasn't time to pull it together in two days after it was back on.

My kids enjoyed the event, even though they took turns getting lost.