Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Always Thinking...

I've shared about our penny chart system before, and Big Girl is an old pro at working this system. Usually she can count on getting 3 pennies a day, one for being dressed on time, one for a "green day" at school (it's tied to the behavior system they use), and one for clearing her dishes from the table for all the meals or snacks of the day (one penny for the whole day's table-clearing duties). Well, today she didn't go to school, and she's still in pj's, so that's 2 pennies she knows she won't get for today. After her rest time (we can't call it nap with her), she came downstairs, and I offered her a snack. Snack time is part of her schedule at school, so I thought she may like to have that consistency at home. She ate part of her snack and asked me if she could share the rest of it with her sister when she got up from her nap. Sure, that's fine with me, and it's a very nice thing for her to want to do. I should have knows she had ulterior motives. She gets a penny for sharing with Little Girl. She was quick to point this out to me after she offered the snack to her sister. That Big Girl of mine is a smart one!

John Mayer's "Waiting on the World to Change" is in my head.

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