Sunday, September 28, 2008

Drapes, Big Girl and Politics

This weekend has been a particularly productive one. I've pleated my drapes!! Now all that's left is to hang the hardware, see how long they need to be, and then hem them. I hope to have that all done by next weekend. There are a few more steps than that, for one, the rods all need to be cut, and then fixed together to be one giant rod. Then the hemmed drapes will need to be hung. And I think that Hubby and I will be working on that stuff just the two of us, so pray for us in this as projects of this nature test the mettle of our marriage. (I jest, but prayer is always welcome!)

Big Girl continues to be stressed about eating, which is very difficult because it comes up regularly, each day. It's not like we can just avoid the subject. She thinks she'll get sick and/or throw up if she eats. We had a major ordeal about getting her to eat 1/4 of a hamburger yesterday, and today she wouldn't eat even 1/3 of a grilled cheese sandwich. She has shown no signs of actually being sick. Her sleep seems to be better, she napped quite a lot on Friday, and she napped each day this weekend as well. I think it's safe to say that right now her worst fear is of throwing up. If this continues another week, I'm going to move up our appointment to see the pediatric neurologist, if that's possible. We have an appointment for November. The likelihood of getting in sooner seems slim. At any rate, this year I'll actually have something to talk about with him.

I passed up my opportunity for a Sunday afternoon nap to work on the drapes. I'm feeling it now, that's for sure!

We sang "Burdens Rolled Away" this morning in church. We had our former drummer drumming with the band this morning, and he's totally awesome. All the music today just had a special something, and I don't think it was all because of him, but his playing certainly didn't hurt! It was a blessed morning of worship, both times around! So now, at the end of the day, all the songs we did this morning, including "Burdens Rolled Away" are rolling around in my head. Others on the program this morning: "Days of Elijah," "On My Lips," "Prepare the Way," & "Mighty to Save." It was a good service.

Something else that's been on my mind that I have failed to mention is the current economic mess. Our pastor spoke about this briefly this morning, and he was spot on with what I'd been thinking about and praying about late last week. Whatever pain is brought about, God will use it for the good of humanity. We naturally have an aversion to suffering, and we don't want it to happen, but we can't stop it a lot of times. Suffering is so often the vehicle God uses to bring about changes in our lives that need to happen. This current economic squeeze will hopefully bring an end to our country's love affair with money. I personally hope that the $700 BILLION dollar bailout doesn't happen, because it will mean that nothing is really better, they're just delaying the eventual crumbling of the system, pinning it on our kids and their kids. And the objection I've heard to my point of view is that innocent people will lose their jobs. I lay that concern to the side with the faith that God is at work, and He will provide. Whatever plan the politicians eventually go with, I pray it is based on sound principles and not more of the same inanity that got all this started. I have prayed for my congressmen and senators like never before. Anyway, my point about all this is that we have to face it with an attitude of faith and not one of fear. Is our God bigger than this or is He not?

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